

Triadic Dimensions of Rural Teachers’ Identity Reconstruction inthe Context of Rural Cultural Changes: Analysis andImplementation Strategies
摘要 乡村教师的身份随着乡村文化的变迁而嬗变,在不同的历史时期承担着不同的职责使命。文化变迁视域下乡村教师身份重构具有合理性:乡村教师身份始终根植于乡土,在文化变迁中寻找定位与价值;乡村教师身份兼具专业性和公共性,在文化变迁中服务乡村教育发展和社会治理;乡村教师出现身份危机,亟需在文化变迁观照下纾解。身份建构问题是社会主体对自身生存状态和生命意义的深层次追问。基于文化变迁的视域,乡村教师身份重构应着眼于专业身份、公共身份和文化身份三重向度,以使乡村教师明确职业本真、明晰职责边界、建立乡村文化自觉。为此,对于乡村教师,需要培育乡村教育家精神,提振其专业身份;涵养公共精神,明晰其公共身份;培育乡村文化自觉,增强其文化精神。 The identity of rural teachers evolves alongside changes in rural culture,resulting in varied roles and responsibilities across different historical periods.The reconstruction of rural teachers’identity through the lens of cultural change is justified on three grounds.Rural teachers’identity is intrinsically rooted in rural culture,continuously seeking relevance and value amidst these changes.This identity is both professional and public,contributing to rural educational development and social governance amidst cultural transitions.Rural teachers face an identity crisis that necessitates resolution within the context of rural cultural evolution.Identity construction represents a profound exploration by social actors into their living conditions and the significance of their existence.From the perspective of cultural changes,the reconstruction of rural teachers’identity should be approached through three key dimensions:professional identity,public identity,and cultural identity.This approach will help rural teachers better understand the essence of their profession,delineate their responsibilities,and cultivate a strong sense of rural cultural awareness.To strengthen the identity of rural teachers,it is essential to nurture their professional identity by fostering a strong sense of rural educator spirit.Equally important is the clarification of their public identity by fostering a public spirit for them to serve the broader community.Additionally,enhancing their cultural identity requires developing a deep awareness of rural cultural consciousness.
作者 马永全 李玉婷 MA Yongquan;LI Yuting(College of Education Science,Yili Normal University,Yining 835000,Xinjiang,China;College of Education Science,Xinjiang Normal University,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830017,China)
出处 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第5期119-124,共6页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“新疆‘内地籍’特岗教师社会融入问题研究”(21BMZ047)。
关键词 乡村教师 身份重构 乡村文化 文化变迁 rural teacher identity reconstruction rural culture cultural changes
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