

Membership pricing and information acquisition strategies of retail e-commerce platforms under consumer time preference
摘要 零售电商平台(以下简称“平台”)的会员制具有二次付费的特点,这种跨期决策会在一定程度上引发消费者的时间偏好心理行为。对于平台而言,获取消费者时间偏好信息有利于其准确刻画消费者购买会员的效用。本文在考虑消费者时间偏好影响的基础上,引入了平台向商家收取的佣金率内生和外生两种情形,在每种情形下分别构建了平台获取消费者时间偏好信息(M策略)模型和不获取信息(UM策略)模型。基于此,本文研究了平台的最优付费会员定价及信息获取策略,得到的主要结论如下:第一,平台制定的会员定价策略包括补贴策略和收费策略,平台实施哪种策略与佣金率、消费者时间偏好等因素有关。第二,自营商品价格折扣、两种商品的交叉弹性系数以及消费者对商品的基本需求等因素也对平台会员定价策略具有重要影响。第三,当平台难以从销售自营商品和收取佣金中的任一方面获取较高收益,或可以同时从上述两方面获取较高收益时,平台宜采取M策略;否则,平台宜采取UM策略。 In the context of consumption upgrading,many e-commerce platforms in the retail industry have launched paid membership systems.The dual-payment mechanism is a notable characteristic of the paid membership system.After consumers purchase a membership in a platform,they will occasionally make purchases during the membership period.Consumers must compare the cost of the membership with the benefits they receive at different points in time during the membership term.This is an example of an intertemporal decision-making problem,which involves consumers′psychological behavior related to time preference and is mainly reflected in the predicted deviation of consumer utility in purchasing a membership.From the platform′s standpoint,the acquisition of consumer time preference information is important to accurately understand the utility of buying a membership,which is used to formulate an optimal membership strategy.However,the cost of acquiring and utilizing this information is quite high.This paper introduces the scenarios of endogenous and exogenous commission rates charged by the platform to merchants from the perspective of intertemporal decision-making based on consumer time preference.In each scenario,the information mining(M-Strategy)model and information not-mining(UM-Strategy)model are constructed,respectively.These models are solved and the following conclusions are reached.First,the membership pricing strategies formulated by the platform include subsidy strategies and charging strategies.When the commission rate charged by the platform to merchants is exogenous,the platform′s subsidy or charging strategy is related to the commission rate.When the commission rate is high,the platform should adopt a subsidy strategy.In contrast,when the commission rate is low,the platform should adopt a charging strategy.In the case that the commission rate is endogenous,the platform′s subsidy or charging strategy is related to the expected degree of consumers′time preference.When the platform expects consumers to be
作者 王晓欢 王欣欣 赵庆力 樊治平 WANG Xiaohuan;WANG Xinxin;ZHAO Qingi;FAN Zhiping(School of Business Administration,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110169,China)
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期263-276,共14页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71772034、72031002)。
关键词 电商平台 付费会员 时间偏好 定价 信息获取 E-commerce platform Paid membership Time preference Pricing Information acquisition
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