

Pricing mechanism for the index of the construction land based on the improved sequential auction and price discount
摘要 如何有效缓解城市用地高需求与农村用地低效率并存的矛盾是中国实现可持续发展的重要环节之一。在厘清建设用地指标内在价值的基础上,本文考虑价格抵扣的现实规则,改进了传统的互补品序贯拍卖模型,设计出具有可操作性的建设用地指标定价机制。本文通过理论推导和数值模拟对模型的解进行分析,发现价格抵扣额度与建设用地指标、建设用地的报价正相关,即增大价格抵扣额度可以提高农民复垦积极性,且抵扣额度越高,效果越好。此外,建设用地指标报价随竞标人数增多而降低,且建设用地指标报价随土地闲置费用的提高而提高,即土地闲置费用可有效地提高用地指标报价。基于此,本文针对结论得出了相关的政策建议。 With a gradual expansion in the scale of industrialization and an acceleration seen in urbanization,the total demand for construction land has shown evolution and characteristics of an overall rise.This has resulted in a serious shortage of construction land indicators in various regions.On the other hand,due to the intensification of urbanization and the transformation and development of the rural society and its economy,a large number of rural people have flooded into cities,which has led to idle or inefficient use of the rural homesteads thereby resulting in a huge waste of land resources.This has become one of the major barriers to the sustainable development of China.To find a solution to this difficulty,the local governments of Chongqing and Chengdu took the lead in innovating the construction land quota production and trade mechanism in 2008.Guangzhou and other cities have subsequently adopted the same or a similar quota production and trade mechanism.The cross-regional transaction rules of the construction land index can help in realizing the optimum cross-space allocation of land resources.This has greatly improved the market value of idle land in remote areas and has thus created a new path to increasing the income of farmers in remote areas.This mechanism has effectively alleviated the difficulties faced by the local governments in China.However,it fails to meet expectations.Scholars have pointed out that,in reality,the local governments are more concerned with how to withdraw farmers from the homestead quickly in order to obtain a higher number of construction land indicators.The pricing focuses solely on the cost of homestead reclamation.It fails to reflect the market value of the construction land indicators.Thus,it fails to truly motivate farmers to reclaim idle homesteads.Therefore,it is imperative that the Chinese government designs a targeted and operable pricing mechanism for the construction land index that can show the real value of the construction land index and thus encourage more farmers
作者 刘靖羽 孟卫东 李宇雨 黄波 LIU Jingyu;MENG Weidong;LI Yuyu;HUANG Bo(School of Economics and Management,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,China;School of Economics and Business Administration,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China)
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期251-262,共12页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71573025) 重庆市教委人文社科规划一般项目(22SKGH123) 中央高校基本科研业务项目(2020CDJSK02PT12)。
关键词 建设用地指标 改进序贯拍卖 价格抵扣 定价机制 土地利用效率 Quota of construction land Improved sequential auctions Price discount Pricing mechanism Land use efficiency
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