

Development of the gridded usage and residues inventory of thiamethoxam and ecological risk assessment in the Sanjiang Plain
摘要 以我国三江平原为研究区域,采用水稻、玉米和大豆种植面积作为替代数据,通过估算噻虫嗪使用量建立其网格化使用清单;应用改进后充分考虑环境行为过程的网格化农药排放和残留模型(simplified gridded pesticide emission and residue model,SGPERM)建立噻虫嗪网格化残留清单,并以此估算土壤中噻虫嗪残留的质量分数。同时,使用风险熵法(risk quotient,RQ)评估新烟碱类杀虫剂的潜在生态风险。结果表明:2011-2020年三江平原累计使用噻虫嗪约85.6 t,通过喷洒飘移和径流排放造成的噻虫嗪损失量约为0.97 t;2020年三江平原噻虫嗪的总残留量为13.1 t,基于残留量估算得到各网格内表层土壤中噻虫嗪的空间质量分数范围为0~3.45 ng/g;三江平原土壤中噻虫嗪的残留会对研究区域内典型生物--赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia foetida)产生潜在风险。使用清单的建立方法及改进的排放/残留清单模型能够有效揭示使用和残留情况的时空演变规律,为农药的污染控制措施及相关政策与行动计划的制定提供基础数据和科学依据,也可为相关农药网格化清单的建立提供技术方法。 Agricultural non-point source pollution compromises the security of water and soil resources in China,making it imperative to understand the distribution characteristics of such pollution in specific areas to effectively implement environmental protection measures. As a principal grain-producing area in China, the Sanjiang Plain is critical for ensuring national food security and stability, boasting an annual grain output of approximately 2.5×107 t. However, the body of research addressing the use and pollution characteristics of neonicotinoid insecticides in this region remains limited, with inadequate in systematic studies on the residual mass fraction and distribution of these substances in the soil. This study concentrates on the Sanjiang Plain, a significant grain-producing region in China, and selects the widely used neonicotinoid insecticide, imidacloprid, as the subject for conducting related inventory research. An estimation method for neonicotinoid insecticides was formulated and applied to calculate the thiamethoxam use in the Sanjiang Plain from 2011 to 2020. Additionally, rice, maize, and soybean cultivation areas in the Sanjiang Plain served as surrogate data to establish a gridded use inventory of thiamethoxam in the region with a resolution of 10 km × 10 km. Furthermore, the usage inventory served as input data, and an enhanced simplified gridded pesticide emission and residue model, which thoroughly incorporated environmental behavior processes, was employed to develop residue and soil mass fraction inventories. Finally, the risk quotient methodology was employed to assess the potential ecological risks of neonicotinoid pesticides in soil to non-target species. The results showed that: (1) the cumulative usage of thiamethoxam in the Sanjiang Plain from 2011 to 2020 was about 86 t, and the loss through spray drift and runoff discharge was about 1.3 t. In terms of spatial distribution, hotspots of thiamethoxam usage were identified in the central, southwestern, and southeastern parts of the Sanji
作者 崔嵩 李斐 贾朝阳 贾宏亮 李一凡 CUI Song;LI Fei;JIA Chaoyang;JIA Hongliang;LI Yifan(School of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China;Research Center for Eco-Environment Protection of Songhua River Basin,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China;School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China)
出处 《南水北调与水利科技(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期708-718,共11页 South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology
基金 黑龙江省杰出青年基金项目(JQ2023E001) 东北农业大学“青年领军人才”支持计划项目(NEAU2023QNLJ-013)。
关键词 噻虫嗪 使用清单 残留清单 三江平原 生态风险 thiamethoxam usage inventory residues inventory Sanjiang Plain ecological risk
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