目的系统分析肌少症所致吞咽障碍的诊断方法。方法检索PubMed、CINAHL、Embase、Web of Sci-ence、The Cochrane Library、Medline、中国知网、万方、维普、中国生物医学文献数据库中有关肌少症与吞咽障碍的文献,检索时限为建库至2023年10月23日。采用范围综述的方法对纳入研究进行筛选、汇总和分析,以探讨肌少症引发吞咽障碍相关的诊断方法。结果纳入21篇文献,共存在3种对肌少症所致吞咽障碍的诊断方法,第一种是“肌少症与吞咽障碍共存,排除其他导致吞咽障碍的病因”(11项研究);第二种是“肌少症所致吞咽障碍的诊断共识”(1例案例报道);第三种是“肌少症所致吞咽障碍的诊断算法”(9项研究)。但第一种诊断方法不能准确测量吞咽肌质量,无法判定肌少症与吞咽障碍之间的因果联系;第二种诊断方法受到影像学检查环境与经济等条件的制约,需进一步提出并验证简便指标替代影像学检查肌肉质量的方法;第3种诊断方法使用人群受限,需更多的高质量研究来对其优化。结论目前针对肌少症所致吞咽障碍的诊断方法存在3种主要方式,需根据研究条件及环境进行选用,且均存在局限性,亟需进一步优化以提高其有效性和适用性。
Objective To systematically analyze the diagnostic methods for dysphagia caused by sarcopenia.Meth-ods Literature on sarcopenia and dysphagia in PubMed,CINAHL,Embase,Web of Science,The Cochrane Library,Medline,CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,and Chinese biomedical databases were searched until October 23,2023.A scoping re-view methodology was employed to screen,summarize,and analyze the included studies to explore relevant diagnostic methods for dysphagia secondary to sarcopenia.Results A total of 21 articles were included,identifying three diagnos-tic methods for dysphagia caused by sarcopenia,the first one was"coexistence of sarcopenia and dysphagia,excluding oth-er causes of dysphagia"(11 studies),The second was"the diagnostic consensus of dysphagia caused by sarcopenia"(one case report),the third was the diagnosis algorithm of dysphagia caused by sarcopenia(9 studies).However,the first ap-proach cannot accurately measure the quality of the swallowing muscles,making it difficult to establish a causal relation-ship between sarcopenia and dysphagia.The second method was constrained by the conditions and costs of imaging exami-nations,necessitating further development and validation of simplified indicators to replace imaging assessments of muscle quality.The third method was limited in its applicability to specific populations,highlighting an urgent need for more high-quality research to optimize its use.Conclusions Currently,there are three main diagnostic methods for dysphagia caused by sarcopenia,which should be selected based on the specific research conditions and environments.However,each method has its limitations and requires further optimization to enhance its effectiveness and applicability.
LI Yujie;LI Juan;TIAN Fang;ZHAO Xuejiao;TANG Zei(School of Nursing,Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guiyang 550025,China;Department of Nursing,Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital,Guiyang 550001,China;School of Nursing,Zunyi Medical University,Zunyi 563000,China)
Geriatrics Research