

First aid-related health literacy among urban residents in Jiangsu province,2022:a cross-sectional survey
摘要 目的了解江苏省城镇居民急救素养状况及其影响因素,为提升居民急救素养提供参考依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,于2022年7—9月抽取苏州、徐州、泰州三地2804名城镇居民进行急救素养问卷调查,使用t检验、方差分析及χ^(2)检验进行单因素分析,建立决策树算法模型进行多因素分析。结果江苏省城镇居民急救素养平均得分为(14.40±7.965)分(问卷总分为45分),具备急救素养(问卷得分≥27分)的占7.99%,其中心肺复苏、创伤急救、意外伤害处理、日常危急重症处理、突发事件应对5个维度知识的掌握率分别为17.58%、22.47%、16.01%、5.53%、34.91%。不同城市、年龄组、文化程度、职业的居民急救素养具备率差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。决策树模型分析显示,急救素养影响因素的重要性从大到小依次为职业、文化程度、城市、年龄。结论江苏省城镇居民急救素养水平较低,其中急救知识掌握率较低的维度为日常危急重症处理、意外伤害处理和心肺复苏。应针对影响因素加强急救相关知识与技能的培训,提升居民急救素养。 Objective To understand the status and influencing factors of first aid-related health literacy among urban residents in Jiangsu province and and to provide a reference for improving the health literacy in the population.Methods Using a multistage stratified cluster sampling method and a self-designed questionnaire,we conducted a face-to-face survey among 2804 urban residents aged 10 years and above in three cities of Jiangsu province from July to September 2022 to collect the residents'information on first aid-related health literacy.T-test,analysis of variance,and chi-squared test were used for univariate analysis,and a decision tree algorithm model was created for multivariate analysis.Results The participants'mean score for overall first aid-related health literacy was 14.40±7.965 out of a total score of 45,and only 7.99%of the participants were classified as having qualified literacy(scored 27 points and above).The proportion of individuals with qualified dimension-specific first aid-related health literacy(scoring≥60%of the total score)was 17.58%for cardiopulmonary resuscitation,22.47%for trauma care,16.01%for accidental injury care,5.53%for critical care,and 34.91%for emergency response,with significant differences in the proportions among participants in different cities,at different ages,with different levels of education,and in different occupations(all P<0.05).The decision tree model analysis showed that the importance of factors influencing first aid-related health literacy were,in descending order,occupation,education level,city,and age.Conclusion First aid-related health literacy is relatively low among urban residents in Jiangsu province,with particularly low levels of critical care,accidental injury management,and cardiopulmonary resuscitation,suggesting that targeted first aid education needs to be promoted among the population.
作者 郑舒遥 许铁 李亦琛 覃朝晖 ZHENG Shuyao;XU Tie;LI Yichen;QIN Zhaohui(The Second Clinical Medical School,Xuzhou Medica University,Xuzhou 221004,China;Emergency Medical Rescue Research Center,The Second Clinical Medical Schoo Xuzhou Medical University,Xuzhou 221004,China)
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期704-710,共7页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 2021年度江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目(2021SJZDA136) 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(231103371101213) 江苏省社科应用研究精品工程重点项目(23SYA-017)。
关键词 急救素养 影响因素 决策树 first aid-related health literacy influencing factor decision tree
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