

An Exploration of Tourism Activities among Various Ethnic Literati in Southwest China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties:Historical Perspectives on Forging a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation
摘要 明清时期,云贵川地区涌现出很多的少数民族文人,成为西南文坛的主力军。西南地区的少数民族文人与杨慎、徐霞客等汉族名士以及本土的汉族文化领袖刘大绅、张鹏翮等组成了一个个多民族文人旅游群体。得益于西南地区人文景观、自然风光、生态环境的旅游资源优势,众多文人在西南地区共同开展研修游、寺庙游、节庆游等丰富多彩的旅游活动。这些活动具有鲜明的交融性特征,从路线上看,主要集中在云贵川各地的政治、经济、文化中心及交通要道,呈现出线、面交织的特点;从心理上看,既有山水审美的心理诉求,也有文化考释的实证精神,还有哲理感悟的内心体验,展现出多元的心态;从收获上看,既有解郁散心、寻师交友,还有研学考察,文人们各有所得。在交融性的旅游活动中,促进了西南边疆与中原文化的交流融育,共同书写中华民族的历史文化,由此形成了各美其美、美美与共的文化交融格局,逐渐升华演变为共有的国家情感和大局观念,形成了自觉认同中华民族共同体意识。 Since ancient times,accounts show that the southwestern region of China has been the most abundant area in ethnic diversity,and also the most flourishing area in ethnic minority culture and literature.During the Ming and Qing dynasties,this region witnessed a significant rise in the number of ethnic minority literati,who played a crucial role in shaping the literary landscape of the multi-ethnic communities in this area.Through a review of their literary corpus,this article finds that irrespective of the large number of Hui and Bai intelligentsia or the small number of Naxi and Gelao literati,a substantial portion of their works are poems related to tourism.Moreover,a common thread among these scholars was their experience in traveling,whether living in the countryside or undertaken for purposes of official duties or study.Results also suggest their tourism activities played a positive role in fostering cultural exchange and integration among the diverse ethnicities inhabiting southwestern China during the Ming and Qing eras.At present,the study of ancient literati tourism activities mainly focuses on Han intellectuals during the middle and late Ming dynasty,with comparatively scant attention devoted to ethnic minority literati tourism activities,especially their integrated tourism endeavors.Therefore,taking the integrated tourism activities of multiethnic literati in the southwest of China during the Ming and Qing dynasties as an entry point,this paper attempts to look into the historical dimension of if and how these ancient multiethnic literati contributed to the forging of a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.This paper concludes that the frequent engagement of multiethnic literati in tourism undertakings in southwest China during the Ming and Qing periods stemmed from a relatively stable social environment and other subjective and objective conditions that satisfactorily addressed their tourism needs.Research indeed shows that there were various forms of tourism pursuits undertaken by literati
作者 马志英 Ma Zhiying(School of Community for the Chinese Nation,North Minzu University,Yinchuan,750021,Ningxia,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 北大核心 2024年第2期107-113,133,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“清代多民族文学的版图分布与互动研究”(19AZW022) 国家社科基金重大项目“中国古代西南各民族文学交融史料整理、研究与资料库建设”(22BZW191)阶段性成果。
关键词 西南地区 多民族文人 交融性 旅游活动 中华民族共同体思想意识 multiethnic literati integration tourism activities the consciousness of Chinese national community
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