
数字经济对资源型城市低碳转型的影响及作用路径 被引量:2

Digital economy and low‑carbon transformation of resource‑based cities:mechanisms and empirical evidence
摘要 数字经济因其“绿色属性”被认为有助于加速城市的低碳转型。然而,对于产业结构单一、能耗高的资源型城市,如何利用数字经济实现低碳转型,仍是一个关键问题。鉴于此,该研究以2011—2020年中国111个资源型城市的面板数据为样本,采用双向固定效应模型分析数字经济对资源型城市低碳转型的影响及作用路径,并从城市类型和经济发展两个角度进行异质性分析。研究发现:(1)数字经济对资源型城市的低碳转型具有显著的积极作用。通过构造Bartik工具变量处理可能的内生性问题后,结论仍然成立。随后,通过3种不同方式进行稳健性检验,均证实这一结论的稳健性。(2)路径分析结果揭示,降低资源错配和提高劳动生产率是数字经济推动资源型城市低碳转型的重要路径。(3)异质性分析表明,数字经济的低碳转型效应只在衰退型和再生型资源型城市中才有体现,在成长型和成熟型的资源型城市中并不显著。此外,在经济发展程度高的资源型城市中,数字经济的低碳转型效应更加明显。根据该结论提出以下政策建议:一是政府必须充分认识并重视数字经济在资源型城市低碳转型中的催化作用;二是充分发挥数字经济在推进资源型城市低碳转型的资源配置效应和劳动生产效应;三是针对资源型城市的发展特征和状况,制定差异化的数字经济发展策略和低碳转型措施。 The digital economy,with its‘green attributes,’is considered instrumental in accelerating the low-carbon transformation of cities.However,it is still controversial whether the digital economy can effectively promote the low-carbon transformation of resource-based cities with a single industrial structure and significant energy consumption.In view of this,this study took panel data from 111 Chinese resource-based cities from 2011 to 2020 as a sample and analyzed the impact and paths of the digital economy on the low-car-bon transformation of resource-based cities using a two-way fixed-effects model,while also considering heterogeneity from the perspec-tives of city type and the degree of economic development.The results showed that:①The digital economy played a significant positive role in promoting the low-carbon transformation of resource-based cities.This conclusion held when constructing Bartik instrumental variables to deal with possible endogeneity issues.Subsequent robustness tests conducted in three different ways all confirmed the ro-bustness of this finding.②The path analysis results revealed that reducing resource mismatch and improving labor productivity were important mechanisms through which the digital economy promoted the reduction of carbon emission intensity in resource-based cities.③Heterogeneity analysis showed that the low-carbon transformation effect of the digital economy was only manifested in declining and regenerating resource-based cities,while in growing and mature resource-based cities,the effect was not significant.Additionally,the low-carbon transformation effect of the digital economy was more pronounced in resource-based cities with a high degree of economic development.Therefore,based on the findings of this study,the following policy recommendations are put forward:firstly,for the low-carbon transformation of resource-based cities,the government must fully recognize and emphasize the catalytic role of the digital econo-my;secondly,leverage the resource allocation effect
作者 骆行 刘子俊 田云 LUO Hang;LIU Zijun;TIAN Yun(School of Public Policy and Administration,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China;School of Business Administration,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan Hubei 430073,China;WTO and Hubei Development Research Center,Wuhan Hubei 430073,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期56-64,共9页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目“《巴黎协定》下中国农业碳排放权省域分配及协同减排策略研究”(批准号:71903197)。
关键词 数字经济 资源型城市 低碳转型 碳排放强度 digital economy resource-based cities low-carbon transformation carbon emission intensity
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