在新时期的城市建设和建筑创作中 ,一味标新立异 ,盲目求“新”、求“洋”的风气十分盛行。建筑师应重拾“以人为本”的设计理念 ,以塑造与大自然和谐共处的生态空间为追求。在湖州市菱湖镇步行街及小区设计中的初步探索。
Nowadays,it is very popular to only pursue, the peculity and overseas style in the urban construction and the architecture creation.The architect should take the design theory based on the humanity,once more to build the ecosystem space getting along with nature harmoniously.The preliminary discovery in the design of walking street and the community plan in Ling Hu town,Hu Zhou.
Fujian Architecture & Construction