

Digital “Fields of Memory”:The Reconstruction of Heroic Commemorative Space in Social Media
摘要 传统媒体作为悼念英烈的核心“记忆之场”,正逐渐被以社交媒体为代表的网络新媒体所取代。从传统媒体到新媒体的“记忆迁移”中,媒介作为记忆的中介,既重构着过往的英雄记忆,又对网民的心理产生深刻影响。聚焦哔哩哔哩网站中“美国轰炸中国驻南联盟大使馆事件”的纪念视频和评论文本,通过大数据挖掘分析发现,英烈悼念形成了围绕主题事件纪念视频的“记忆之场”。纪念视频在时间和数量上呈现出显著的周期性循环与瞬时性爆发特征,在内容上形成了包含不同主题的框架结构。用户生产的个性化纪念话语具有情绪凝合效应,其所构建的仪式传播实现了文化记忆的再现和延续,沉淀、强化了创伤记忆背后的文化基因,在数字“记忆之场”中实现了跨越代际的身份认同与理念统一。 In the digital era,the media of memory have undergone significant transformation,creating a new memory ecosystem.In particular,the rise of social media platforms,extending Nora's realistic imagination of the “memory field”,comes to build a digital “memory field” different from the traditional spatial structure.In many human memory activities,people's commemoration of historical events and heroic figures is an eternal theme running through the past,present and future.When the online media gradually replaces the traditional media to be the core “memory field”,how the past memory will continue becomes a key issue.Based on the context,this study focuses on the construction of online commemorative spaces and digital “fields of memory”,and explores how social media within the digital ecosystem constructs a digital “field of memory” under commemorative themes,using the commemorative video and commentary text of the “The NATO Bombing of the Former Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” on the bilibili.com as the research object.Furthermore,it investigates the profound impact of this new memory practice on the continuation of human hero memories.By combining the quantitative and qualitative research methods and utilizing big data topic mining,online ethnography,and text analysis,it is found that the condolences for the martyrs on bilibili.com form a “field of memory” around the commemorative video of the event.Firstly,the digital “field of memory”exhibits clear structural features.One of such features is that commemorative activities show periodic cycles and instantaneous bursts around the specific dates of specific events.The commemorative videos on the current topic on the bilibili.com are mainly released in the form of “anniversaries” at specific time periods,but sometimes there are also signs of time-advanced outbreaks due to its strong relevance to current events.Commemorative videos related to the theme are primarily released in the form of “anniversary celebrati
作者 邵鹏 赵若邑 潘仲菁 Shao Peng;Zhao Ruoyi;Pan Zhongjing(School of Humanities,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第5期29-41,共13页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(23ZD214) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划之江青年学者专项课题(24ZJQN091YB)。
关键词 数字记忆 媒介记忆 记忆之场 在线纪念空间 digital memory media memory field of memory online commemorative space
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