

A Study on the Influence of Spatial Forms of Traditional Villages of the Dong Ethnic Group in Southeast Guizhou on Tourists'Footprint Behaviour
摘要 乡村振兴背景下,传统村落旅游蓬勃发展。关注旅游者的足迹行为对传统村落的旅游发展至关重要。本文以黔东南侗族传统村落为例,从调试人地关系的角度构建空间认知逻辑框架,运用多源数据和MNL方法建立传统村落空间形态对旅游者足迹行为的影响模型,通过量化分析侗族传统村落空间形态与旅游者足迹行为之间的耦合关系,为黔东南传统村落的旅游地供给与旅游者需求之间寻求更加平衡的关系,以期对传统村落动态保护传承发展旅游提供参考。研究发现:(1)村落旅游资源发展空间有限且不协调,旅游配套服务设施与旅游者足迹行为出现错位,究其本质是空间主体的多元化;(2)侗族传统村落空间形态加强了功能性核心空间的旅游集聚效应,路网渗透性较差,村落边缘旅游景点缺失。面对侗族传统村落空间旅游发展的滞后性,宜促成多元主体合作,均衡主体间构想、现实与生活空间的“真实性”与“商品化”。 Traditional village tourism is flourishing in the context of rural revitalisation.Paying attention to the footprint behaviour of tourists is crucial to the tourism development of traditional villages.In this paper,we take the traditional villages of the Dong ethnic group in Guizhou as an example,construct a logical framework of spatial cognition from the perspective of debugging humanland relationship,establish a model of the influence of spatial forms of traditional villages on the footprint behaviour of tourists using multi-source data and MNL method,and seek a more balanced relationship between the supply of tourist sites and the demand of tourists in traditional villages in Guizhou by quantitatively analysing the coupling relationship between spatial forms of the Dong ethnic group's traditional villages and the footprint behaviour of tourists,with a view to providing a reference for the dynamic conservation and development of tourism.The model is designed to provide a reference for the dynamic protection of traditional villages and the development of tourism.The study found that:(1)the development of village tourism resources is limited and uncoordinated,and the misalignment of tourism supporting service facilities and tourists'footprints is essentially due to the diversification of spatial subjects;(2)the spatial forms of Dong traditional villages strengthens the tourism agglomeration effect of the functional core space,and the permeability of the road network is poor,with the lack of tourist attractions on the edge of the villages.In the face of the lag in the development of spatial tourism in Dong traditional villages,it is appropriate to promote the cooperation of multiple subjects,and balance the"authenticity"and"commercialisation"of the conceptual,real and living space among the subjects.
作者 刘畅 王琰 李立敏 LIU Chang;WANG Yan;LI Limin(Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology;Architecture College,Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology)
出处 《世界建筑》 2024年第7期70-75,共6页 World Architecture
基金 陕西省2024年自然科学基础研究计划,项目编号:2024JC-YBMS-423。
关键词 黔东南侗族传统村落 空间形态 旅游者足迹行为 MNL行为机理模型 Dong traditional villages in southeast Guizhou spatial form tourist footprint behaviour Multinomial Logit Model
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