Because the communication software data on different scales is not comparable,the re-liability is low when detecting DDoS attacks.Therefore,the detection method of DDoS attacks of communication software based on decp learning is proposed.After converting all the commu-nication software data into valuces betwecn O and 1,the symbiosis matrix of the communication software data is constructed by calculating the frequency of occurrence per unit distance and spe-cific direction,using the mean and variance characteristics of the communication software data as the benchmark,and the data is converted into binary coding form using SHA-256 hash function.The reconstructed data was fed into the CNN network containing the cross-entropy loss func-tion,and the DDoS attack data was determined based on the relationship between the update bias and the characteristic parameters of the gray-scale symbiosis matrix of the communication soft-ware data.In the test results,PPV was always stable above O.88,and TPR was stable above 0.92,with high reliability.
ZHAO Jufang(Guangzhou College of Commerce,Guangdong guangzhou 513363,China)
Changjiang Information & Communications