

On the Connotation of Fang Bao’s:“The Anecdotes of Zuo Zhongyi Esquire”:Emotion-Reason Conflict,Political Implications and Truth-Seeking Narrative Strategies
摘要 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》是桐城派散文代表作,历来备受选家赞美,被认为是方苞“义法”“雅洁”等创作理论的精彩实践。左光斗是晚明著名抗阉斗士,在方苞此文之前已有人分别为其作传。方苞此文与前人所作的细微差异,恰恰表明此文突破了方苞之散文理论,这种理论与实践矛盾实是情、理之冲突,是方苞所信仰之程朱理学天然的内在矛盾。此文与戴名世《左忠毅公传》互动互补,写左、史师徒二人之事迹,实包含共同的追念前朝之政治隐衷。此文采用独特的史书“逸事”文体,表明方苞有意区别于已有传记;开篇短句与结尾一段前后呼应,交代“逸事”资料来源可靠,增加此文所述事情的真实性和可信度,而既往以为篇首短句“先君子尝言”只是领起所述雪日披衣一事,此说实为误解,方苞其他“逸事”之文足为旁证。按照钱锺书所论,此出处之说亦可能出于虚构。 Fang Bao’s prose“The Anecdotes of Zuo Zhongyi Esquire”is a masterpiece of the Tongcheng School,which has always been highly praised by anthologists.It is regarded as a wonderful practice of Fang Bao’s theories of“Purport and Method”,“Elegance and Terseness”and other creation theories.Zuo Guangdou is a famous fighter against eunuchs in the late Ming Dynasty,for whom biographies have been written before Fang Bao’s article.The subtle differences between Fang Bao’s essay and those of his predecessors precisely show that this essay breaks through Fang Bao’s theory of prose.This contradiction between theory and practice is actually a conflict of emotion and reason,and is a natural contradiction inherent in Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism that Fang Bao believed in.This prose interacts with Dai Mingshi’s“The Biography of Zuo Zhongyi Esquire”,writing about Zuo Guangdou and his disciple Shi Kefa,which actually contains a common political implication of memorializing the former dynasty.In addition,this article adopts the unique genre of“anecdotes”used in historical books,indicating Fang Bao’s intention to differentiate himself from the existing biographies.The opening phrase is echoed in the concluding paragraph,explaining that the source of the“anecdotes”is reliable,increasing the authenticity and credibility of the incidents described in this article.In the past,it was thought that the first sentence“the former gentleman once said”was only an introduction to the matter of wearing clothes on the snowy day,which was really a misunderstanding.Fang Bao’s other articles on“anecdotes”are sufficient evidence for this.According to Qian Zhongshu,this claim about the origin of the anecdotes may also be fictitious.
作者 吴怀东 梅媛媛 WU Huaidong;MEI Yuanyuan(College of Liberal Arts,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China)
机构地区 安徽大学文学院
出处 《合肥大学学报》 2024年第3期18-25,共8页 Journal of Hefei University
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目“安徽文学文献整理与研究”(GXXT-2020-026) 教育部全国高等院校古籍整理研究工作委员会项目(06072102)。
关键词 《左忠毅公逸事》 情理冲突 政治隐衷 求真 叙事策略 “The Anecdotes of Zuo Zhongyi Esquire” emotion-reason conflict political implication truth-seeking narrative strategy
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