

Development Characteristics and Uranium Metallogenic Condition of the Upper Cretaceous Yaojia Formation and Qingshankou Formation in Kailu Depression of Songliao Basin
摘要 松辽盆地开鲁坳陷找铀目标层主要为上白垩统姚家组和青山口组,二者同为红杂色建造,在区域上不易识别,层序格架不明,制约了找矿成果的扩大。文章通过岩性组合、地震界面追踪、测井相识别、生物化石组合、地球化学及重矿物分析指标等方法,初步识别出姚家组与青山口组的地层划分标志。结果显示:青山口组顶部以紫红色泥岩为主,下部为紫红色、灰色细砂岩、泥质中-粗砂岩夹薄层紫红色泥岩,地震相上表现为反射波连续性差、振幅小或中等、微弱的特征,测井曲线呈钟型、指型、箱型,风化指数(CIA)平均为57.16,重矿物以钛铁矿+石榴子石+重晶石+锆石为主;姚家组可分为上下两段,下段以褐红、砖红、灰色细砂岩、中砂岩、砂质砾岩为主,上段由一套灰绿、紫红色泥岩和灰白色粉砂岩、细砂岩、中砂岩组成,地震相上表现为反射波连续、振幅高或较高,底部中低振幅、中连续的反射同相轴等特征,测井曲线呈箱型、钟型,少量指型,风化指数(CIA)平均为65.22,底部风化指数(CIA)表现为突变增高,重矿物以锆石+石榴子石+白钛矿+锐钛矿+钛铁矿的组合为主。在此基础上,对姚家组与青山口组的铀成矿条件进行分析对比,研究认为,两者铀源主要来自松辽盆地南缘中、新生代火山岩和海西期、燕山期花岗岩,均具备充足铀源;青山口-姚家期均发育南西向北东展布河道,从上游至下游形成了冲积扇-辫状河-曲流河-三角洲-湖泊的典型沉积环境;青山口组及姚家组含矿灰色砂体中含有丰富的有机质、炭化植物碎屑、黄铁矿等还原剂,统计其有机碳含量为0.11%~0.56%,显示均具有较好的还原性;姚家组氧化带主要呈面状展布,余粮堡—钱家店及架玛吐—保康等地段成矿潜力巨大;青山口组氧化带呈环带状展布,奈曼、通辽—钱家店等地段成矿潜力较大。 The uranium host layers in the southern part of Songliao Basin are mainly the Upper Cretaceous Yaojia Formation and Qingshankou Formation,both of which are red variegated and difficult to discriminate in the region.The unclear sequence framework restricts the expansion of exploration achievements.This paper conducted a comparative study on Yaojia Formation and Qingshankou Formation through core observation,seismic interface tracking,well logging,facies identification biological fossil assemblages,geochemical and heavy mineral analysis indicators,and preliminarily identified the stratigraphic division indicators of Yaojia Formation and Qingshankou Formation.The results show that the top of Qingshankou Formation is dominated by purple-red mudstone,and the lower part is purple-red,gray fine sandstone,argillaceous medium-coarse sandstone and thin-bedded purple-red mudstone.The seismic facies of Qingshankou Formation are characterized by poor continuity of reflection waves,small or medium amplitude,and the well logging curves are bell,finger,and box-shaped.CIA average is 57.16.And the petrochemical and heavy minerals are mainly ilmenite+garnet+barite+zircon.Yaojia Formation can be divided into two members,the lower member is dominated by brownish-red,brick-red,gray fine sandstone,medium sandstone and sandy conglomerate,and the upper member is composed of a set of gray-green,purple-red mudstone and gray-white siltstone,fine sandstone and medium sandstone.The seismic facies of Yaojia Formation are characterized by continuous reflection waves,high or high amplitude,low amplitude,and continuous reflection at the bottom,and the well logging curves are box,bell-shaped,and a small amount of finger-shaped,CIA average is 65.22,and the petrochemical and heavy minerals are the combination of weathering CIA mutation at the bottom,zircon+garnet+albite+anatase+ilmenite.On this basis,the uranium metallogenic conditions of Yaojia Formation and Qingshankou Formation are systematically analyzed and compared.The study shows that both ha
作者 王之晟 卢天军 郭恒飞 陈旭 贾立城 宁君 WANG Zhisheng;LU Tianjun;GUO Hengfei;CHEN Xu;JIA Licheng;NING Jun(Geologic Party No.243,CNNC,Chifeng,Inner Mongolia 024000,China;Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《铀矿地质》 CAS CSCD 2024年第4期619-632,共14页 Uranium Geology
基金 中核集团集中研发项目“砂岩型铀矿多重耦合地质成矿作用与时空定位”(编号:中核科发2021-143) 中国核工业地质局地勘费项目“松辽盆地通辽-大庆地区铀资源调查评价与勘查”(编号:202212)联合资助。
关键词 松辽盆地 姚家组 青山口组 地层特征 铀成矿条件 Songliao Basin Yaojia Formation Qingshankou Formation stratigraphic characteristics uranium mineralization conditions
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