

On the Change of the French Ministers'Attitude Toward Paris Foreign Missions Society Entering Tibet in the Middle of the 19^(th) Century
摘要 1848至1866年间,因进藏活动屡屡受阻,巴黎外方西藏传教会多次求助法国驻华公使,后者的态度由之前的“竭力”支持、“鼎力”相助逐渐转变为后来的“尽力”劝退,甚至可以说是“抛弃”。法国公使们对西藏传教会进藏活动态度之嬗变,一方面源于当时清朝中央同西藏地方两级政府通力协作坚决抵制法国传教士进藏;另一方面则是因为新形势下法国政府基于对华“合作”政策选择放弃其“保教”立场。清朝中央同西藏地方通力协作成功阻断西藏传教会进藏活动,既反映出当时西藏地方基于国家安全大局的深思熟虑,又反映出清朝中央对西藏地方的重视和体恤,同时彰显出中国中央政府一直以来严密的治藏方略及其不容西方擅入藏地、染指西藏的坚定外交立场。 From 1848 to 1866,due to the repeated fails of getting into Tibet,Paris Foreign Missions Society for Ti⁃bet repeatedly sought help from the French Diplomat in China,whose attitude changed gradually from supportive one to disapproval one.The change of the French ministers'attitude,on the one hand,originated from the fact that both the central government of the Qing Dynasty and the local government of Tibet were resolutely resisting the entry of the French missionaries into Tibet,and on the other hand,it was because of the new situation that the French government intended to"cooperate"with China.The fact that the central government of the Qing Dynasty collaborated with the local government of Tibet successfully blocked the missionary activities of the Society in Ti⁃bet reflects not only the careful consideration of the local government of Tibet on the overall situation of national security at that time,but also importance the central government attached to Tibet,as well as its solicitude for Ti⁃bet.Additionally,it also shows that the central government of China has all along been strict in its strategy of gov⁃ernance of Tibet,and its firm diplomatic stance of forbidding the people from the West to enter the Tibetan area and interfere Tibetan affairs.
作者 刘瑞云 刘晓旭 LIU Ruiyun;LIU Xiaoxu(School of Foreign Languages,Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610065;Nanfang College Guangzhou,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510970)
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期69-78,86,共11页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2019年度国家社会科学基金项目“法国藏近代涉藏档案整理与研究(1842-1952)”阶段性成果,项目号:19BMZ036。
关键词 法国公使 巴黎外方西藏传教会 进藏活动 总理衙门 保教权 French ministers Paris Foreign Missions Society for Tibet entering Tibet Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Qing Dynasty Protectorate of missions
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