钠磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)是目前唯一能够对活体组织中钠浓度进行空间定量分析的非侵入性成像技术,能够提供与细胞活力和生存能力相关的生理和生化信息。钠MRI可以在组织细胞发生宏观变异之前,检测出代表细胞膜完整性及其活力的生物学信息,也能够为疾病治疗过程中疗效的评估提供依据,并为疾病的早期诊断提供帮助,这些信息仅靠氢MRI是无法实现的。然而,与传统的氢MRI相比,即使在超高场下,钠MRI也面临着信噪比低和数据采集时间长等一系列问题。压缩感知(Compressed sensing,CS)成像技术可以通过非线性迭代重建从非相干欠采样的k空间数据中恢复已知变换域中具有稀疏特性的图像,能够大量节约钠MR成像时间并提高图像质量,目前CS成像技术已经在人体各部位钠MRI得到了应用。本文对CS成像技术在人体各部位钠MRI的现状及研究进展进行综述,以期促进CS成像技术在临床的应用。
Sodium magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)is the only noninvasive imaging technique that enables the absolute spatial quantification of sodium concentration in living tissues,it can provide physiological and biochemical information related to cell viability and survival ability.Sodium MRI can detect biological information representing cell membrane integrity and vitality before macroscopic changes occur in tissue cells.It can also provide a basis for evaluating the efficacy of disease treatment and provide help for early diagnosis of disease,which is impossible to achieve by hydrogen MRI alone.However,compared to traditional hydrogen MRI,sodium MRI still faces a series of problems such as low signal to noise ratio and long data acquisition time even in ultra-high fields.Compressed sensing(CS)imaging technology can recover images with sparse characteristics in the known transform domain from the incoherent under sampled k-space data through nonlinear iterative reconstruction,which can greatly save the imaging time and improve the image quality,at present,CS has been applied to sodium MRI in various parts of the human body.This paper reviewed the current status and research progress of CS in sodium MRI in various parts of the human body,so as to promote the clinical application of CS imaging technology.
SONG Wenxiu;BIAN Chuanzhen;SUN Lei(Department of Radiology,Children’s Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310052,China;Department of Radiology,Children’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing Jiangsu 210008,China)
China Medical Devices