In the context of complex and volatile international and domestic economic and financial conditions, the increasein macroeconomic uncertainties across countries has become an important driver of abnormal capital flow movements,which also has a significant impact on a country's financial stability and the formulation of macroeconomic policies.Based on the panel data of 40 countries from 1998 Q1 to 2020 Q3, this paper adopts the CLogLog model to study the impactand heterogeneity of macroeconomic uncertainty on abnormal capital flow movements, exploring the regulatory effects ofmacroprudential policies. The results show that when macroeconomic uncertainty rises, the probability of the surge and theflight decreases, and the probability of the stop and the retrenchment increases. The results of the heterogeneity analysis suggestthat the rise of macroeconomic uncertainty has a greater impact on the flight and the retrenchment in developed economies,those with higher levels of financial development, and those with higher institutional quality. The results of macroprudentialpolicies moderation suggest that the overall adjustments of macroprudential policy cannot effectively mitigate the impact of macroeconomicuncertainty on abnormal capital flow movements. However, when macroeconomic uncertainty rises, loosing foreignexchange instruments can reduce the probability of the stop, the flight and the retrenchment. In contrast, non-foreign exchangeinstruments have a limited role in moderating the impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on abnormal capital flow movements.The marginal contribution of this paper is that it focuses on the impact of economic uncertainty on abnormal capital flowmovements from the perspective of pull factors, expands the related research on the consequences of macroeconomic uncertainty,and provides a policy basis for policymakers to regulate abnormal capital flow movements from the perspective of macroprudentialpolicies.
Lu Yan;Liu Xulei(School of Finance,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics)
Studies of International Finance
Macroeconomic Uncertainty
Abnormal Capital Flow Movements
Foreign Exchange Instruments
Macroprudential Policies