

Participation and Development Trends of World Heritage Site Managers within the Implementation Framework of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
摘要 文章探讨了世界遗产地管理者在《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》(以下简称《公约》)实施中的关键作用及其在世界遗产大会中的低参与度问题。基于对相关数据的分析,文章指出:尽管遗产地管理者在保护全球遗产资源方面发挥着举足轻重的作用,但因其在《公约》执行机制的决策过程中缺乏被认可的参与身份,且代表性不足,故声音常被忽视。《实施〈世界遗产公约〉操作指南》(以下简称《操作指南》)对遗产地管理者的角色缺乏系统性考量,导致其在《公约》执行体系中的地位尴尬。世界遗产地管理者论坛在推动这一群体走向前台、构建集体意识和行动力方面起到了积极的推动作用。世界遗产地管理者群体自下而上、去中心化的行动已经开始,或将对《公约》实施机制形成具有积极意义的影响。为切实提升世界遗产地管理者的参与度,积极响应新的发展趋势,笔者建议对《操作指南》和世界遗产大会的《议事规则》进行修订完善,明确遗产地管理者的角色和职责,建立更有效的沟通渠道。文章最后提出,中国作为缔约国中的遗产大国,应积极参与和推动这一变化进程,并加紧提升中国遗产地管理者的国际参与度和领导力,更好地传播中国的遗产地管理经验和智慧,为世界遗产事业作出更突出的贡献。 This article explores the pivotal role and current participation trends of World Heritage site managers within the operational framework of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage(hereinafter referred to as“the Convention”),along with the challenges of their limited participation in the World Heritage Committee Sessions.Based on the analysis of relevant data,the article highlights that despite the crucial role site managers play in the protection of global heritage resources,they face a lack of formal recognition and influence within the Convention’s decisionmaking mechanism,leading to their voices often being overlooked.The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention(hereinafter referred to as“the Operational Guidelines”)lack systematic consideration of the role of site managers,resulting in an awkward position for them within the Convention's implementation framework.The World Heritage Site Managers Forum has played a positive role in promoting collective awareness and action,bringing this group to the forefront.The bottom-up,decentralized actions initiated by World Heritage site managers may positively impact the Convention’s implementation mechanism.This paper recommends amendments to the Operational Guidelines and the Rules of Procedure of the World Heritage Committee to clarify the roles and responsibilities of site managers and establish more effective communication channels.The article concludes by emphasizing China’s role as a leading heritage nation among the States Parties,advocating for active participation in and promotion of this change process.It also suggests accelerating the enhancement of the international participation and leadership of Chinese site managers to better disseminate China's heritage management experience and wisdom,thereby making a more prominent contribution to the world heritage cause.
作者 魏青 WEI Qing(ConserVision Cultu ral Consu lting Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100192,China)
出处 《自然与文化遗产研究》 2024年第3期29-40,共12页 Study on Natural and Cultural Heritage
关键词 遗产地管理者 世界遗产地管理者论坛 公约 操作指南 site managers World Heritage Site Managers’Forum Convention Operational Guidelines
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