

Building the Ethical Foundation of Modern Civilization:Theoretical Consciousness,Value Reconstruction,and Civilization Dialogue
摘要 建设中华民族现代文明是实现中国式现代化的必然要求,是我们在新时代新的文化使命。在现代化的进程中,人们的生活方式、文明素养及价值体认现代化的特征日益明显,社会的伦理道德发展面临着一系列重大理论和现实问题。如何激活中华民族优秀道德传统中富有生命力的优秀因子,实现中国传统伦理型文化的创造性转化和创新性发展? Building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for the realization of Chinese path to modernization, and is our new cultural mission in the new era. In the process of modernization, the ethical and moral development of society is facing a series of significant theoretical and practical problems. How to achieve creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese ethical culture? How to establish a solid ethical foundation in a heterogeneous modern society, has become an urgent question that needs to be answered. Therefore, the International Conference on “Ethical Development and Chinese Path to Modernization” was held to discuss the relevant topics. Professor Li Ping elaborated on the significance of “ethical consciousness” for the development of modern Chinese civilization from the perspectives of history and practice. The development of modern civilization must maintain cultural self-awareness, reflection and criticism, especially during the major transformation period of civilization development. Professor He Lai emphasized that seeking the ethical path of “living together” in a heterogeneous modern society is a major ethical challenge that both Western and Chinese modernization processes cannot avoid. Therefore, we need to critically reflect on the traditional Chinese ethical system, absorbing its beneficial resources while fully understanding its limitations. Professor Wang Shuqin believed that we must properly handle the relationship between ethical differences and social solidarity, so that the tension between the two can achieve harmony and balance in mutual achievements. Researcher Tan Jizun proposed that we need to re-examine the status of rights in moral life, rather than viewing them as the moral basis for social practice or the moral legitimacy foundation for a better life. Professor Pang Junlai pointed out that Chinese path to modernization must be based on the core value of civilization. Only in this way can we respond to the dua
作者 李萍 贺来 王淑芹 谈际尊 庞俊来 涛慕思·博格 Li Ping;He Lai;Wang Shuqin;Tan Jizun;Pang Junlai;Thomas Pogge
出处 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期4-30,177,共28页 Exploration and Free Views
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国马克思主义哲学新形态研究”(22&ZD032) 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“中国特色社会主义道路的文化根基研究”(GD24WH01)阶段性成果 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“‘中国式现代化道路’的哲学探索与哲学表达”(2022CXTD01) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“当代哲学发展趋向与人类文明新形态的哲学自觉”(17JJD720003)阶段性成果 国家社科基金重点项目“改革开放以来道德生活形态变迁研究”(19AZX015)阶段性成果 国家社科基金重点项目“中国伦理道德发展指数建构研究”(22AZX013)阶段性成果。
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