

Epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis in China from 2010 to 2022
摘要 目的 分析2010—2022年我国钩端螺旋体病流行病学特征,为制订钩端螺旋体病防控策略提供参考依据。方法在中国疾病预防控制信息系统中,收集2010年1月1日至2022年12月31日报告的钩端螺旋体病临床诊断病例和确诊病例信息,采用描述性流行病学方法对病例地区、时间、人群分布及报告和诊断机构进行分析。结果 2010—2022年全国累计报告钩端螺旋体病病例4 559例,年均报告351例;报告病例数从2010年的679例下降至2018年的158例。四川省、云南省、广东省、湖南省、福建省、浙江省、广西壮族自治区、安徽省、江西省和贵州省累计报告钩端螺旋体病病例4 276例,占全国病例总数的93.79%;其中云南省近年病例数大幅下降,浙江省、广东省报告病例数明显增加。2010—2020年河南省无钩端螺旋体病病例报告,但2021、2022年分别报告5例和2例;2010—2017年陕西省仅报告1例病例,但自2018年起连续5年有病例报告。全国全年均有钩端螺旋体病病例报告,以8—10月为发病高峰,各省发病高峰存在差异;男性病例多于女性,男女性别比为2.3∶1;病例中位年龄50岁(四分位间距:23岁),以51~60岁组报告病例数占比最高(23.21%)。2010—2022年我国钩端螺旋体病报告病例中,确诊病例占53.28%,确诊病例占比从2010年的35.05%上升至2022年的61.66%。综合医院、疾病预防控制机构、基层卫生机构和其他卫生机构钩端螺旋体病报告病例数占比分别为67.22%(2 937例)、20.44%(893例)、7.23%(316例)、5.10%(223例)。2010—2022年全国钩端螺旋体病报告病例病死率为1.07%,男性病死率高于女性(1.39%vs.0.36%;χ^(2)=9.52,P=0.002)。结论2010—2022年我国钩端螺旋体病处于低水平流行状态,南方地区为主要流行区,各流行省份病例流行病学特征存在差异。陕西省、河南省等省份近年持续有病例报告,需加强关注。建议各地加强钩端螺旋体病监测,提升� Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis in China from 2010 to 2022,so as to provide insights into formulation of the leptospirosis control strategy.Methods All data pertaining to clinically diagnosed cases and confirmed cases of leptospirosis reported in China from January 1,2010 to December 31,2022 was collected from Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information Management System.The spatial,temporal and population distributions,and report and diagnosis institutions of leptospirosis cases were analyzed using a descriptive epidemiological method.Results A total of 4559 leptospirosis cases were reported in China from 2010 to 2022,with an annual average number of 351 cases,and the number of reported leptospirosis cases reduced from 679 cases in 2010 to 158 cases in 2018.A total of 4276 leptospirosis cases were reported in Sichuan Province,Yunnan Province,Guangdong Province,Hunan Province,Fujian Province,Zhejiang Province,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Anhui Province,Jiangxi Province and Guizhou Province,accounting for 93.79%of the total number of leptospirosis cases in China.The number of leptospirosis cases had recently appeared a remarkable decline in Yunnan Province,while a significant rise was seen in the number of leptospirosis cases in two provinces of Zhejiang and Guangdong.No leptospirosis cases were reported in Henan Province from 2010 to 2020;however,there were 5 cases and 2 cases reported in 2021 and 2022,respectively.There was only one leptospirosis case reported in Shaanxi Province from 2010 to 2017;however,leptospirosis cases were reported in the province for 5 consecutive years since 2018.Leptospirosis cases were reported throughout the year in China from 2010 to 2022,with the peak of incidence found during the period between August and October,and the peak of leptospirosis incidence varied in provinces.A higher number of leptospirosis cases was seen among men than among women,with a male to female ratio of 2.3∶1,and the median age of leptospirosis cases was
作者 师悦 耿梦杰 周升 陈曦 孙军玲 田雪莹 徐红 李昱 郑灿军 SHI Yue;GENG Mengjie;ZHOU Sheng;CHEN Xi;SUN Junling;TIAN Xueying;XU Hong;LI Yu;ZHENG Canjun(National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Tracking and Forecasting for Infectious Diseases,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 102206,China;Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,China;Nanning Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China)
出处 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期130-136,共7页 Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
基金 中国疾病预防控制中心公共卫生应急反应机制的运行(102393220020010000017)。
关键词 钩端螺旋体病 流行病学特征 地区分布 时间分布 人群分布 诊断 监测 中国 Leptospirosis Epidemiological characteristic Spatial distribution Temporal distribution Population distribution Diagnosis Surveillance China
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