

Impact of outward foreign direct investment on China's urban resilience
摘要 强大的本土投资能力是维系城市韧性的重要力量,而对外直接投资作为本土投资的海外转移,是否挖了中国城市韧性的墙角?该研究利用2008—2021年中国272个地级市面板数据,研究对外直接投资(OFDI)及其扩展边际和集约边际(二元边际)对城市韧性的影响和传导机制。研究发现:①OFDI及其二元边际显著提升城市韧性,其中扩展边际对城市韧性促进作用更大;②分城市规模来看,大城市OFDI对城市韧性的提升作用强于中小城市,大城市和中小城市分别在OFDI集约边际和扩展边际上对提升城市韧性有比较优势;③分区域来看,东部地区OFDI扩展边际对提升城市韧性有比较优势,中西部地区OFDI集约边际对提升城市韧性有比较优势;④在冲击抵御期,OFDI扩展边际对城市韧性促进作用相对较大,在恢复调整期,OFDI集约边际对城市韧性促进作用相对较大;⑤从作用路径来看,OFDI通过增强本土技术创新能力、改善本土产业结构和促进本土产业化和城镇化相融合(产城融合)提升城市韧性,其中产城融合的中介效应更为突出。这意味着:①东部地区和大城市的政府工作重点可以放在全面提升基本公共服务、打造城市名片上面,中部地区和中小城市的政府工作重点可以放在培养行业龙头企业、提供有针对性的公共服务上面,彼此错位发展;②在冲击抵御期,甚至在前冲击抵御期,各级政府就应该未雨绸缪,向行业龙头企业发出预警,有针对性地帮助其对冲冲击,重点通过各类双边协定和投资安排,与东道国一道通力合作,在恢复调整期,各级政府的重点应该放在进一步完善自身制度建设上面,通过完善本土营商环境,解除企业的后顾之忧,让更多的企业想走出去,能走到更多的地方去。 Strong local investment capability is an important source for sustaining urban resilience,while outward foreign direct in-vestment(OFDI)is the overseas transfer of local investment.Has OFDI mitigated the resilience of Chinese cities?Using the panel da-ta of 272 prefecture-level cities in China from 2008 to 2021,this research quantitatively measured urban resilience and studied the impact and mechanisms of OFDI and its extensive margin and intensive margin(dual margins)on urban resilience.The results showed that:①OFDI and its dual margins significantly enhanced urban resilience,and the extensive margin played a greater role in promoting urban resilience.②From the perspective of urban scale,the role of OFDI in enhancing the resilience of large cities was stronger than that of small and medium-sized cities,and large cities as well as small and medium-sized cities had comparative advan-tages in enhancing urban resilience at the intensive and extensive margins of OFDI,respectively.③In terms of regions,OFDI and its dual margins in the eastern and central/western regions significantly improved urban resilience,and OFDI in the eastern and cen-tral/western regions had comparative advantages in improving urban resilience in terms of extensive margin and intensive margin,re-spectively.④In the period of shock resistance,the intensive margin of OFDI had a relatively large role in promoting urban resil-ience,and in the period of recovery and adjustment,OFDI and its extensive margin had a relatively large role in promoting urban re-silience.⑤From the perspective of the action path,OFDI enhanced urban resilience by enhancing local technological innovation ca-pability,improving local industrial structure,and promoting the integration of local industrialization and urbanization(industry-city integration),and the mediating effect of industry-city integration was more prominent.This means that:①Government work in the eastern and western regions and large cities should focus on cultivating leading industrial enterprises a
作者 吉生保 魏姗姗 王丁玄 JI Shengbao;WEI Shanshan;WANG Dingxuan(School of Economics and Management,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116,China;Center for Industry Collaborative Innovation and Regional Development Research,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期175-185,共11页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“新时代公共安全应急框架体系研究”(批准号:23AZD117) “新发展格局下我国区域创新生态系统的嵌入机理、演化路径及政策选择研究”(批准号:22AJY022) 国家自然科学基金项目“环保压力下企业可持续环境行为实现机理和对策——基于路径依赖、聚焦感知与环保意愿”(批准号:72172147) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助“外资研发嵌入国家创新体系的经济效应研究”(批准号:2023SKHQ06)。
关键词 对外直接投资 扩展边际 集约边际 城市韧性 OFDI extensive margin intensive margin urban resilience
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