

An Analysis of the Abortion Debate in the United States:From the Perspective of Human Rights Law
摘要 1973年“罗伊诉韦德案”以联邦判例法形式确立了美国妇女的堕胎权。但自该案后,美国反堕胎主义者在该国各地组织了各种声势浩大的反“堕胎合法化”抗议活动,采取各种手段阻止女性堕胎,最终促使美国联邦最高法院通过判决否定了美国女性受联邦宪法保护的堕胎权。美国妇女堕胎权宪法保障的丧失是美国堕胎与反堕胎力量持续斗争的结果,也是不同话语竞争的结果。在人权理念影响下,美国反堕胎主义者逐渐将宗教话语转化为“胎儿人格理论”“堕胎有害论”等人权话语,并获得了精英阶层的广泛支持,当胎儿生命权与妇女隐私权发生冲突时,法律更倾向于保护胎儿利益。在此影响下,各种反堕胎立法在联邦与地方不断涌现,也最终促成了美国联邦最高法院推翻1973年“罗伊诉韦德案”判例。但该案的宣判并不意味着纷争的结束,围绕堕胎权问题的争论恐将一直持续。 In 1973,Roe v.Wade established women’s right to abortion in the United States in the form of federal case law.However,since that case,antiabortionists in the United States have organized various large-scale protests across the country against the“legalization of abortion”and adopted a variety of means to prevent women from having abortions,which ultimately prompted the Supreme Court of the United States to make a decision denying American women’s right to abortion that had been protected by the Constitution.The loss of the constitutional protection of women’s right to abortion is the result of the ongoing battle between pro-abortion and anti-abortion forces in the United States,as well as the result of the competition between different discourses.Nowadays,the most important jurisprudential basis for the legality of abortion in the United States is the protection of the individual’s“right to privacy”,i.e.,a woman has the freedom to choose whether or not to have an abortion and this freedom falls within the protection of the individual’s“right to privacy”under the Constitution of the United States.In Roe v.Wade,the Supreme Court confirmed that the individual’s“right to privacy”guaranteed by the Constitution included a woman’s right to decide whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.Another important jurisprudential rationale for the right to abortion derives from the respect for the“right to life and health”,i.e.,legalizing abortion is objectively necessary to protect a woman’s“life and health”and compared to continuing pregnancy and childbirth,abortion is more favorable to a woman’s life and health.Under the influence of human rights concepts,anti-abortionists in the United States have gradually transformed religious discourse into human rights discourse such as the“fetal personhood theory”and the“harmfulness of abortion”.The latter claims that abortion causes“depression,anxiety,and suicidal thoughts”in women by fabricating conditions such as post-abortion tra
作者 张剑波 ZHANG Jianbo(School of International Law,Southwest University of Political Science and Law)
出处 《人权法学》 2024年第3期133-151,166,167,共21页 Journal of Human Rights Law
关键词 堕胎权 隐私权 胎儿人格理论 the right to abortion the right to privacy fetal personhood theory
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