

Analysis of Agrometeorological Factors of Prunus domestica L.Freeze Injury in Heshuo of Xinjiang
摘要 近年来,世界范围内广泛呈现出了极端天气(气候)事件增多,自然灾害频发、灾情加重的现象。为了科学认识低温冻害对和硕欧洲李的影响,降低欧洲李花期冻害损失,提高欧洲李种植效益,本文使用和硕国家一般气象站1991—2023年逐日气象资料和2003—2023年欧洲李冻害灾情调查资料,通过对果树冻害历史灾情资料的调查,研究冻害的发生时间、界限温度以及冻害发生年各项气象因子的变化特征,阐明果树冻害与气象因子的关系。结果表明:(1)1991—2023年和硕县年平均气温、年极端最高、最低气温均呈升高趋势,其年平均气温和年极端最高、最低气温气候倾向率分别为0.20℃/10 a、0.38℃/10a、0.26℃/10 a;(2)2003—2023年和硕欧洲李花芽萌动期、露萼期、露瓣期、始花期、盛花期均表现出不同程度的提前趋势,提前趋势为3.2~4.6 d/10 a(P<0.01);(3)和硕欧洲李冻害的主要原因是休眠期极端最低气温、沙尘暴和大风、寒流持续天数、剧烈降温、强降雪等。研究结果为欧洲李冻害监测预警及防灾减灾提供参考,为欧洲李的合理栽培管理提供理论参考,以促进欧洲李产业的健康发展。 In recent years,the phenomenon of increasing extreme weather(climate)events,frequent natural disasters has been widely presented around the world.The study aims to scientifically understand the effect of freezing injury of Prunus domestica L.in Heshuo,reduce the loss of florescence due to freezing injury,and improve the planting benefit.This article used daily weather data during 1991-2023 in national ground meteorological station of Heshuo and investigation data about freezing injury of Prunus domestica L.from 2003 to 2023,the factors such as the happening time,type,and limit temperature were analyzed by making the investigation of historical disaster conditions.The characteristics of meteorological factors were analyzed to study the relationship between freeze injury and meteorological factors.The results showed that:(1)the annual average temperature,extremely maximum and minimum temperature in Heshuo County increased from 1991 to 2023,the climate trend rates for annual average temperature,extremely maximum and minimum temperature were 0.20℃/10a,0.38℃/10a and 0.26℃/10a-1 respectively;(2)the date of germination,sepal showing,petal baring,initial blooming,full blooming was ahead of time by 3.2 to 4.6 d/10 a(P<0.01);(3)the main reason for the freezing injury of Prunus domestica L.was the extreme minimum temperature in winter,strong wind and serious sandstorm,cold spell duration days,severe cooling,and heavy snowfall.The results of this study provide a reference for the monitoring and early warning of freezing damage and disaster prevention and mitigation of Prunus domestica L.,and provide a theoretical reference for the rational cultivation and management,so as to promote the healthy development of Prunus domestica L.industry.
作者 热彦古丽·艾则孜 Reyanguli AIZEZI(Korla Meteorological Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Korla,Xinjiang 841000)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2024年第14期99-103,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金“滴灌模式下绿洲棉田干旱发生与致灾解除过程特征及其临界条件研究”(41975146) 中国沙漠气象科学研究基金“基于多参数的棉花干旱胁迫光谱诊断模型研究”(Sqj2020005)。
关键词 欧洲李 低温冻害 农业气象因素 和硕县 Prunus domestica L. low-temperature freezing damage agro-meteorological factors Heshuo County
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