

Introduction of Silla Bezoar into China and Relationship between Tang Empire and Silla:Diplomacy under Perspective of Medical History
摘要 牛黄稀少且昂贵,比较汉魏观念,唐人心目中的牛黄道地产地逐步向东转移,指向山东半岛。恰在此时,唐丽战争使得唐朝与新罗的关系迅速升温,而双方贡赐关系中物品的选择都煞费苦心。与山东半岛纬度、气候、地理相似的新罗所产牛黄,作为国礼进入唐罗关系中,尤其是龙朔元年(661)开始的苏定方围攻平壤之役,唐罗矛盾初露端倪,由于援兵和军粮问题引发唐方不满,在外交折冲樽俎的同时,新罗牛黄也正式登场,成为双方关系的润滑剂,这种优质牛黄开始为中国所知,逐步压倒了西域等其他来源地的牛黄。宋代朝鲜半岛牛黄在中原的声誉出现了低谷,这可能与宋丽关系受到异族干扰时断时续有关。但明清朝鲜朝天使、燕行使以牛黄制品疏通关节,朝鲜半岛牛黄借着“牛黄清心丸”的令名重新登堂入室,成为中国医药观念中的上等佳品。千年以来,朝鲜半岛牛黄在中原的声誉变化,始终与外交活动紧密相关。 Niu Huang(牛黄Calculus Bovis)is rare and expensive.Compared with opinions in Han and Wei Dynasties,the authentic production of Bezoar in the eyes of Tang people had gradually shifted eastward to the Shandong Peninsula.At that time,the relationship between Tang Empire and Silla was rapidly warming due to the war between Tang and Goryeo.Both sides made great eff orts to choose goods for tribute and bestowal.The Bezoar produced in Silla,which is similar to Shandong Peninsula in latitude,climate and geography,entered the relationship between Tang and Silla as a national tribute,especially since the siege of Pyongyang by Su Dingfang from the fi rst year of Longshuo(661)when the conflict between two sides began to emerge.Due to the dissatisfaction of the Tang side caused by the problem of reinforcements and army rations,the Silla Bezoar was officially debuted as diplomatic lubricant between two countries.This high-quality product became well-known in China and gradually gained dominant position over Bezoar from other regions like the Western Regions.In the Song Dynasty,the reputation of Bezoar from the Korean Peninsula was at a low ebb,which may be related to the intermittent interference of foreign races in the relationship between Song and Goryeo.Then in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Joseon envoys used Bezoar products as diplomatic tributes,and Joseon Bezoar won top-grade title in Chinese medicine through the spread of excellent“Niuhuang Qing Xin Wan(Bezoar Clearing-Heart Pills)”.For thousands of years,the fluctuation in the reputation of Korean Bezoar in Central China has always been closely associated with diplomatic activities.
作者 于赓哲 彭李晓 YU Gengzhe;PENG Lixiao(Faculty of History and Culture,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710000,China)
出处 《中医药文化》 2024年第3期193-205,共13页 Chinese Medical Culture
关键词 牛黄 唐罗关系 国礼 医学史 外交活动 Bezoar Tang-Silla Relations National Tributes Medical History Diplomatic Activities
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