开发标准轨距54E1钢轨9号单开道岔,是为了开拓海外市场、通过欧盟铁路互联互通技术规范(Technical Specification for Interoperability,TSI)认证而研制的满足欧洲标准(European Norms,EN)的道岔产品。介绍该道岔产品的设计参数和结构特点,检算道岔的安全参数、尖轨转换参数,并验证岔枕强度。该道岔的转辙器采用弹性可弯尖轨,尖轨跟端设置限位器结构,基本轨内侧采用弹性夹弹性扣压,设置辊轮滑床板以减少尖轨转换阻力;辙叉采用焊接式高锰钢整铸辙叉,护轨选用33 kg·m^(-1)的槽型护轨,护轨垫板处基本轨内侧采用弹性夹弹性扣压。
The standard 54E1 rail No.9 single switch developed in this paper is a switch product that meets European Norms(EN)for developing overseas markets and passing the European Technical Specification for Railway Interoperability(TSI)certification.The design parameters and structural characteristics of the switch are introduced,and then the safety parameters and switch parameters of the switch are calculated,and the strength of the switch tie is verified.The switch of the switch adopts an elastic bendable switch rail,the heel of the switch rail is equipped with a stopper structure,the basic rail is equipped with an elastic clamp,and the roller slide plate is set up to reduce the switch rail resistance.The frog is welded and cast with high manganese steel,and the guard rail is 33 kg·m^(-1) grooved guard rail,and the inside of the basic rail at the pad of the guard rail is elastic clamp.
TANG Li(China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd.,Turnout Branch,Zhuzhou 412005)
Modern Manufacturing Technology and Equipment