

Research on the High-quality Development of Technological Innovation System in Jiangsu Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Clusters
摘要 随着智能制造的高速发展和产业集群的逐渐形成,技术创新成为促动智能制造产业集群发展的核心因素。江苏智能制造产业集群技术创新系统发展日益壮大和成熟,但是仍然存在技术壁垒、产业协同不畅和创新能力不足等一系列问题导致技术成果转化率低下,基于以上问题,本研究提出一系列对策建议。文章以江苏智能制造产业集群技术创新系统的高质量发展为研究对象,旨在运用产业集群理论、技术创新理论以及高质量发展理论,结合实际情况,对江苏智能制造产业集群技术创新系统的高质量发展进行研究。文章的目标是为江苏智能制造产业集群技术创新系统的高质量发展提供指导和参考。通过实施提出的对策建议,有望促进江苏智能制造产业集群技术创新的进一步发展,提高其竞争力和核心技术水平,推动区域经济的可持续发展。 With the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing and the gradual formation of industrial clusters,technological innovation has become the core factor driving the development of intelligent manufacturing industrial clusters.The technological innovation system of Jiangsu's intelligent manufacturing industrial clusters has been growing and maturing,but there are still a series of problems such as technological barriers,poor industrial collaboration,and insufficient innovation capacity,which have led to low transformation rate of technological achievements.Based on the above problems,this study proposes a series of countermeasures and suggestions.This paper takes the high-quality development of Jiangsu's intelligent manufacturing industrial clusters'technological innovation system as the research object,aiming to study the high-quality development of Jiangsu's intelligent manufacturing industrial clusters'technological innovation system by using industrial cluster theory,technological innovation theory,and high-quality development theory,combined with the actual situation.The goal of this study is to provide guidance and reference for the high-quality development of Jiangsu's intelligent manufacturing industrial clusters'technological innovation system.Through the implementation of the proposed countermeasures and suggestions,it is expected to promote the further development of Jiangsu's intelligent manufacturing industrial clusters'technological innovation,improve their competitiveness and core technology level,and promote the sustainable development of regional economy.
作者 凌云双 尹楠 Ling Yunshuang;Yin Nan(School of Digital Economy and Management,Suzhou City University,Suzhou 215104,China)
出处 《办公自动化》 2024年第10期1-3,共3页 Office Informatization
基金 2023年度江苏高校哲学社会科学研究一般项目:江苏智能制造产业集群技术创新系统的高质量发展研究(批准号:2023SJYB1475) 2023年江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划一般项目:江苏智能制造产业集群的高质量发展研究(项目编号:202313983043Y)。
关键词 智能制造 产业集群 技术创新系统 intelligent manufacturing industrial clusters technological innovation system
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