选择典型脉冲型近断层地震动记录分别对一安装有调谐黏滞质量阻尼器(tuned viscous mass damper,TVMD)、黏滞阻尼器(viscous damper, VD)和无阻尼器的6层3跨钢框架结构进行增量动力分析,进而基于增量动力分析结果得到3种结构不同损伤状态的易损性曲线。易损性分析结果对比表明:随着惯容单元的引入,减震结构可靠性显著提升;相较于相同阻尼的VD,TVMD可以更有效地提升结构的抗震性能,减小结构在不同损伤状态下的失效概率。随着质量比的增加,TVMD减震结构在不同损伤状态下的失效概率减小,TVMD对结构性能状态的提升不会随非线性的增加而减小,且在结构经历弹性、弹塑性直至倒塌的整个过程中减震控制性能发挥稳定。进一步选取3组不同脉冲周期的近断层地震动记录对三种结构进行时程分析,讨论TVMD在不同脉冲周期近断层地震动下的减震控制效果。结果表明,在近断层脉冲型地震动作用下,TVMD并不都会实现阻尼单元“阻尼增效”,阻尼器的性能发挥与地震动的特性有关。相较于VD,当T_1/T_p≥2时,TVMD可以更好地减少结构能量输入但其能量耗散效率低于VD,不能实现“阻尼增效”;当T_1/T_p <2时,TVMD可以减小结构残余位移,具有更优的减少能量输入和增大能量耗散效率的双重效应,体现了惯容的“阻尼增效”。
A series of incremental dynamic analysis(IDA)were conducted on 6-storey 3-bay steel frames subjected to selected near-fault pulse-type ground motions.The frames are installed with tuned viscous mass dampers(TVMDs),viscous dampers(VDs)or no dampers,respectively.The seismic fragility curves corresponding to different damage states were obtained based on IDA results.The comparison of the seismic fragility of structures between TVMDs and VDs shows that the reliabilities of the main structure against different damage states are improved significantly with the addition of inerter element.Given the same damping ratio,the structure with TVMDs exhibits excellent improvement in seismic resistant capacity and low damage failure probability of the main structure against different damage states.With the increase of mass ratio,the improvement in structural performance due to TVMD does not decrease with the increase of nonlinearity.And the seismic mitigation effect of the structure is stable during the whole process including elasticity,elastic-plasticity and collapse.Furthermore,three sets of near-fault ground motion records with different pulse periods were selected for time history analysis,and the seismic mitigation effect of TVMD under near-fault pulse-type ground motions was discussed.The results show that under the near-fault pulse-type ground motions,TVMD does not always achieve the damping enhancement of the damping element,and the performance of the damper is related to the characteristics of ground motions.Compared with the enhanced structure with VDs and the original benchmark T1/Tp≥2model,TVMD system reduces the input energy of the main structure when.However,it has lower T1/Tp<2capacity of energy dissipation and the effect of damping enhancement could not be realized.When TVMD can significantly reduce the seismic response and the residual displacement of the structure.It enhances,the capacity of energy dissipation of the structure as well as reduces the input energy of the main structure.This reflects the dampin
ZHANG Li-li;HAN Jian-ping;LI Da-wei;MA Lian-sheng(Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Gansu Province,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China;Western Engineering Research Center of Disaster Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Ministry of Education,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China;School of Science,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China)
Engineering Mechanics