

Why is self-control a virtue?-The occurrence,evolution and value of self-control from the perspective of virtue ethics
摘要 自制问题是反思、批判、预演生命个体行为与实践的基础性问题,也是美德伦理学复兴的奠基性问题。人类非理性因素在由外到内的占有与由内而外的表达过程中,天然地存在着僭越的倾向。自制即原始发生于生命个体内部理性对非理性因素的妥善安置,构成了个体成为德性的存在者并在生活实践中选择德性行为的重要前提。随着现代化运动的不断推进,人类的生产方式、生活方式、交往方式的嬗变使得自制问题在现代社会中呈现出了冲突性、复杂性和整体性样貌,这极大地加深了人类行为能否自制所面临的知识论困境与实践论难题。现代化运动既为人类带来了能够快速生产、分配、交换、消费的经济组织模式,通过激发欲望、扩大需要的方式促进物质文明的高速发展,却也在资本逻辑的嵌入中不断地消解精神公共性,摧毁着人类神圣而崇高的精神家园。在后现代的语境中,自制是人们走向精神富足、实现高质量发展的重要德性,无论人们是否认识、理解、承认、掌握,人的自制能力时时刻刻都给人以精神力量,帮助人类走上最符合其“类生命”的道路,帮助个体成为自由而自觉的目的论者和正当的行动者。 The problem of self-control is the basic problem to reflect,criticize and rehearse the individual behavior and practice of life,and also the foundational problem of the revival of virtue ethics.In the process of the possession and expression of human irrational factors from outside to inside,there is a natural tendency of arrogation,and self-control,that is,the proper placement of irrational factors by rationality originally occurring in the interior of living individuals,constitutes an important premise for individuals to become virtuous beings and choose virtuous behaviors in life practice.With the continuous advancement of the modernization movement,the evolution of human production mode,life mode and communication mode makes the problem of self-control manifest conflict,complexity and integrity in modern society,which greatly deepens the epistemological dilemma and practical problem faced by human behavior self-control.The modernization movement has not only brought the economic organization mode of rapid production,distribution,exchange and consumption to mankind,but also promoted the rapid development of material civilization by stimulating the desire and enlarging the need.However,in the embedding of capital logic,the spiritual publicity is constantly dispelled,and the sacred and noble spiritual home of mankind is destroyed.In the post-modern context,self-control is an important virtue for people to achieve spiritual abundance and high-quality development.Regardless of whether people know,understand,recognize and master it,people's self-control gives people spiritual power all the time,helping people step onto the road that is most in line with their"life-group",and helping individuals become free and conscious teleologists and legitimate actors.
作者 张蕴睿 晏辉 ZHANG Yunrui;YAN Hui(College of Philosophy and Law and Politics,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期12-23,共12页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“当代中国道德观念史与道德实践史研究”(20&ZD038)。
关键词 自制 德性 欲望 现代性 价值 self-control virtue desire modernity value
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