

Tian Yuansheng′s Experience in Treating Ankylosing Spondylitis with Method of Tonifying Kidney and Supporting Yang to Eliminate Bi Syndrome
摘要 强直性脊柱炎病因病机为肾虚则骨髓亏空,筋骨失于荣养,后天易受邪实侵犯,正虚又无以驱邪外出,卫气空疏,外邪稽留于骨,故邪实痹留经脉而致气血行之不畅则无以通中轴而荣百节,久致脊柱关节瘀滞不通,不通不荣则骨脉筋节失养,引发脊骨不利及关节疼痛甚至影响功能。治疗应注重补肾助阳、蠲痹通络、壮脊强督,以补肾扶阳蠲痹法为主,应用循经开背、任督药酒灸、穴位埋线、口服壮骨填髓丸等方法,减轻疼痛,改善症状。 The etiology and pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis is Kidney deficiency induced bone marrow deficiency and lack of nutrition in muscles and bone,which is weak in fight against outside evil factors.Besides,Zheng Qi deficiency means difficulty in driving the evil factor out.When the Wei Qi is weak the external evil factors stay in the bones,and the evil excess Bi stagnates in the meridians and causes the Qi and blood flow too poorly to pass through the central axis and prosper a hundred joints,and the spine and joints are stagnant for a long time,and the bones,veins,tendons and joints are not nourished,causing spinal unfavorable and joint pain and even the function of them being affected.The treatment should focus on tonifying the Kidney and supporting the Yang to eliminate Bi and dredge the meridians,to strengthen the spine and Du meridian.The method is mainly to replenish the Kidney and supporting the Yang and eliminate the Bi.The techniques include opening the back through the meridians,Ren and Du medicine alcohol moxibustion,embedding in acupoints and applying Zhuanggu Tiansui Pill orally to reduce pain and relieve symptoms.
作者 张秀秀 田元生 张玉飞 刘圆圆 李鹏燕 喻苗苗 周星宇 王新义 ZHANG Xiuxiu;TIAN Yuansheng;ZHANG Yufei;LIU Yuanyuan;LI Pengyan;YU Miaomiao;ZHOU Xingyu;WANG Xinyi(Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou Henan China 450046;Henan Provincial Hospital of Integrative Medicine,Zhengzhou Henan China 450000)
出处 《中医学报》 CAS 2024年第6期1266-1270,共5页 Acta Chinese Medicine
基金 河南省科技攻关项目(162102310371) 第七批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作项目{国中医药人教函(2022)76号} 河南省中医药青苗人才培养项目{豫卫中医函〔2021〕16号} 2021年第二批河南省卫生健康委员会国家中医临床研究基地科研专项项目(2021JDZX2134)。
关键词 强直性脊柱炎 补肾扶阳蠲痹法 循经开背 任督药酒灸 穴位埋线 壮骨填髓丸 田元生 ankylosing spondylitis method of tonifying Kidney and supporting Yang to eliminate Bi syndrome opening the back through the meridians Ren and Du medicine alcohol moxibustion embedding in acupoints Zhuanggu Tiansui Pill Tian Yuansheng
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