

Innovative points and their prospecting significance of Metallogenic Regularity Map of Nanling Metallogenic Belt
摘要 由中国地质科学院矿产资源所编制出版的《南岭成矿带成矿规律图(1∶80万)》,是迄今为止矿种最全、资料最新、信息量最大的全面反映我国南岭勘查成果与成矿规律的区带级别(Ⅲ级成矿单元)成矿规律图。该图件研编实现了4大创新点:①涵盖了南岭已发现的2903处独立矿产地,包括能源、金属、非金属和水气矿产等4大类的76个矿种,实现了南岭成矿带矿种与矿产地的全覆盖;②归并了地质底图的地层并淡化显示,突出华南岩体、隐伏岩体的特色,使得不同构造—建造层地质单元的分布格局一目了然;③实现了矿产地、规模、类型、时代、成矿系列五位一体的综合图例设计,矿产地表达更简洁、直观;④综合成矿系列图、表、成矿体系图、剖面图等,以区域规律图编制的新思路和新方法,更集中反映和彰显南岭成矿带最新科研成果。该图件的研编有助于直观展示南岭成矿带矿产的时空分布格局,深入总结成矿规律,科学圈定重要找矿远景区,对于全面指导南岭的地质找矿工作具有重要的意义。 Objectives:The Metallogenic Regularity Map of Nanling Metallogenic Belt(1∶800000)compiled and published by the Institute of Mineral Resources,Chines Academy of Geological Sciences,is the most complete,upto-date and most informative metallogenic regularity map of the zone level(III metallogenic unit)that comprehensively reflects the exploration results and metallogenic regularity of Nanling in China.Results:The research and compilation of this map has achieved four major innovations:①It covers 2903 independent mineral fields discovered in Nanling,including 76 minerals in four categories:energy,metal,nonmetal and water—gas minerals,realizing the full coverage of minerals and mineral fields in the Nanling Metallogenic Belt;②the strata of the geological base map are merged and diluted,highlighting the characteristics of the outcroped and covered intrusive rocks in South China,so that the distribution pattern of geological units of different tectonic and building layers is clear at a glance;③the five-in-one comprehensive legend design of mineral field,size,type,era and metallogenic series have been realized,and the expression of mineral field is more concise and intuitive;④synthesizing metallogenic series diagrams,tables,metallogenic system diagrams,profile diagrams and so on,and compiling new ideas and methods based on regional regularity maps,the latest scientific research achievements of the Nanling Metallogenic Belt are more concentrated to reflect and highlight the latest scientific research achievements.Conclusions:The research and compilation of this map is helpful to visually display the spatial and temporal distribution pattern of minerals in the Nanling Metallogenic Belt,summarize the metallogenic regularity in depth,and scientifically delineate important prospecting prospects,which is of great significance for comprehensively guiding the geological prospecting work of Nanling Metallogenic Belt.
作者 王岩 王登红 秦锦华 黎华 陈郑辉 郭娜欣 黄凡 WANG Yan;WANG Denghong;QIN Jinhua;LI Hua;CHEN Zhenghui;GUO Naxin;HUANG Fan(MNR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment,Institute of Mineral Resources,Chines Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing,100037;Guangxi Institute of Geological Survey,Nanning,530023)
出处 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期861-873,共13页 Geological Review
基金 中国地质调查局“中国矿产地质志”项目(编号:DD20221695、DD20190379) 科技部科技基础资源调查专项(编号:2022FY101702) 中国地质调查局“战略新兴产业矿产地质调查”工程(编号:DD20230034) “广东省翁源县红岭钨矿区成矿规律与找矿预测”项目(编号:HE2412)的成果。
关键词 南岭 成矿规律 成矿规律图 成矿系列 找矿远景区 Nanling metallogenic regularity metallogenic regularity map metallogenic series prospecting prospects
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