Dipoli大楼曾是赫尔辛基理工大学的象征性和实验性学生会大楼,由Raili和Reima Pietilä于1966年设计,经过一次彻底翻新后,如今已成为阿尔托大学的主教学楼。该大楼于2017年秋季学期重新开放。在翻新之前,Dipoli大楼曾作为会议中心使用了20年。
Dipoli,the listed iconic and experimental student union building of Helsinki University of Technology designed by Raili and Reima Pietiläand completed in 1966 has gone through a complete renovation and gotten a new life as the main building of Aalto University.The building reopened for fall semester 2017.Prior to the renovation Dipoli functioned as a conference center for a period of 20 years.
World Architecture Review