

Analysis of Management and Treatment Status of Patients with Severe Mental Disorders in Tianshui in 2022
摘要 目的:对天水市2022年严重精神障碍患者管理治疗现状进行分析,探索工作中的薄弱环节,探讨管理过程中的重点难点问题,为全市严重精神障碍患者管理治疗工作提供参考依据。方法:采用统计描述对甘肃省精神卫生监测系统中截至2022年12月31日的数据进行统计分析。结果:截至2022年12月31日,天水市在册管理的严重精神障碍患者数为19857例,以男性(52.84%)、中青年(41.07%)、文化程度小学以下(64.89%)、无家族史(90.22%)、婚姻状况已婚(57.99%)、农民(86.01%)、经济状况贫困(81.33%)患者为主;报告患病率6.65‰、管理率97.06%、规范管理率94.93%、面访率95.64%、病情稳定率98.89%;在册患者服药率91.45%、在册患者规律服药率74.19%、精神分裂患者服药率91.45%、精神分裂症患者规律服药率74.19%。结论:天水市各项核心指标处于甘肃省较好水平,但部分乡镇(社区)仍存在不达标指标,城区报告患病率、面访率未达标占比高,乡镇在册患者服药率及规律服药率、精神分裂症患者服药率未达标占比高。应该侧重多部门协作开展城区严重精神障碍患者筛查及面访工作;扩大心理健康知识科普宣传的覆盖面,突出精神疾病可防可治,促进患者就医服药治疗;整合多部门资源,加强贫困、农村地区患者的救助救治力度,提高患者服药比例,维持精神障碍患者的病情稳定,提升我市精神障碍患者的防治水平。 OBJECTIVE The management and treatment status of patients with severe mental disorders in Tianshui in 2022 was analyzed,the weak links in the work were explored,and the key and difficult problems in the management process were discussed,so as to provide reference for the management and treatment of patients with severe mental disorders in the city in the next step.METHODS Statistical description was used to analyze the data of mental health monitoring system in Gansu Province up to December 31st,2022.RESULTS As of December 31st,2022,the number of patients with severe mental disorders registered in Tianshui was 19857.The patients were mainly male(52.84%),young and middle-aged(41.07%),educated below primary school(64.89%),without family history(90.22%),married(57.99%),farmers(86.01%),and poor(81.33%).The reported prevalence rate was 6.65‰,the management rate was 97.06%,the standardized management rate was 94.93%,the interview rate was 95.64%,and the disease stability rate was 98.89%.The drug taking rate of registered patients was 91.45%,the regular drug taking rate of registered patients was 74.19%,the drug taking rate of schizophrenia patients was 91.45%,and the regular drug taking rate of schizophrenia patients was 74.19%.CONCLUSION The core indicators of Tianshui are at a good level in Gansu Province,but there are still substandard indicators in some townships(communities).The reported prevalence rate and interview rate are high in urban areas,and the drug taking rate and regular drug taking rate of registered patients and the drug taking rate of schizophrenia patients are high.Emphasis should be placed on multi-departmental cooperation to carry out screening and interview of patients with severe mental disorders in urban areas.Expand the coverage of mental health knowledge popularization,highlight the prevention and treatment of mental diseases,and promote patients to seek medical treatment.Integrate multi-departmental resources,strengthen the rescue and treatment of patients in poor and rural areas,improve t
作者 马骥 Ma Ji(Tianshui Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Tianshui,Gansu,741000,China)
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2024年第5期79-81,96,共4页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 严重精神障碍 管理情况 治疗情况 天水市 severe mental disorders management treatment Tianshui
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