

Textual Research of Diseases Treated on Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen)
摘要 我国自古便将冬瓜子作为益气养颜、美容轻身的中药使用,同时,冬瓜子是地方标准品种,全国共有17个饮片炮制规范收载,对比发现各地方标准存在较大差异。为正本清源,明确其在用药沿革中是否有功效改变等情况,系统梳理历代本草典籍中有关冬瓜子的性味归经、功效主治等进行本草考证,并结合现代药理学及临床应用研究分析异同。结果表明冬瓜子性微寒,味甘,归肺、脾、大肠经。功用为益气养颜、消痰除烦、润肺止咳、醒脾开胃,治疗脾胃不和、皮肤病、消渴、淋证、肺痈、肠痈。而冬瓜子“补肝明目、润心,治疗疟疾”等部分功效还需进一步证实。该研究对冬瓜子的质量标准建立、临床应用和功能挖掘具有重要的参考价值,为促进冬瓜子临床合理应用提供了文献依据。 Since ancient times,Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen)have been used in China as traditional Chinese medicine to benefit the Qi and nourish the face,beauty and lightness of the body,at the same time,Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen)are local standard varieties,a total of 17 beverage concoctions across the country,and the comparison found that there is a large difference between the local standards.In order to clarify the origin and whether there is any change of efficacy in the evolution of medication,we systematically combed through the herbs of the past dynasties to examine the properties of Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen),its attributes,efficacy and main treatment,etc.,and analyzed the similarities and differences in combination with the modern pharmacology and clinical application research.The results showed that Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen)are slightly cold in nature and sweet in flavor.It belongs to lung,spleen and large intestine meridians.It is used to benefit qi and nourish the face,eliminate phlegm and annoyance,moisten the lungs and stop coughing,wake up the spleen and stomach,treat spleen and stomach disharmony,skin diseases,thirst,gonorrhea,carbuncle and intestinal carbuncle.The efficacy of Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen)in tonifying the liver and improving eyesight,moistening the heart,and treating malaria needs to be further confirmed.This study has an important reference value for the establishment of quality standard,clinical application and functional excavation of Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen),and provides a literature basis for promoting the rational clinical application of Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen).
作者 杨钧涵 孙婉萍 索晓梅 张慧 魏婷 谢明 YANG Junhan;SUN Wanping;SUO Xiaomei;ZHANG Hui;WEI Ting;XIE Ming(College of Pharmacy,Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Dalian 116600,Liaoning,China)
出处 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第5期115-119,共5页 Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(82204629) 中医药事业传承与发展中央直达补助专项(财社[2022]63号) 辽宁省教育厅重点项目(L202067) 辽宁中医药大学自然科学类项目(2021LZY014)。
关键词 冬瓜子 冬瓜 本草考证 地方标准 规范 Dongguazi(Benincasae Semen) Benincasa hispida(Thunb.)Cogn. herbal research local standards standard
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