

Effect of agricultural and forest soil replacement on decomposition processes of plant residues
摘要 通过农林土壤互置的方式来模拟“退耕还林”及“开垦林地”的生境变化,探讨其对植物残体分解的影响。在温带森林生态系统中设置森林土壤+森林凋落物(F+L)和森林土壤+农田秸秆(F+S)处理,将相同处理转置到农田生态系统;在农田生态系统中设置农田土壤+农田秸秆(A+S)、农田土壤+森林凋落物(A+L),将相同处理转置到森林生态系统。对植物残体分解1年后的质量损失、全碳、全氮、中红外光谱和土壤因子进行分析。结果表明:将A+S置换到森林生境后,质量损失显著增加了20.0%,C/N、TC显著升高,r_(H1635 cm^(-1))/r_(H2920 cm^(-1))显著降低,但A+L置换到森林生境后对质量损失、C/N及r_(H1635 cm^(-1))/r_(H2920 cm^(-1))无显著影响;将F+S置换到农田生境后,质量损失降低了34.3%,C/N、TC、TN均显著降低,r_(H1635 cm^(-1))/r_(H2920 cm^(-1))显著升高;F+L置换到农田生境后,质量损失降低了14.1%,但对C/N和r_(H1635 cm^(-1))/r_(H2920 cm^(-1))均无显著影响。以上数据表明,农田土壤置换到森林生境,加快高质量秸秆中难分解组分的分解,加速碳和养分的释放;而森林土壤置换到农田生境后,土壤含水率和DOC的降低抑制了秸秆和凋落物的分解,减缓碳和养分的释放,尤其分解所剩秸秆的化学稳定性较高,不利于秸秆分解后期向土壤中碳及养分的输入。研究结果可为农林土壤养分管理和可持续性经营提供理论基础。 This study proposes to simulate the habitat changes of“returning farmland to forest”and“reclamation of forest land”by the replacement of agricultural and forest soils,and to investigate their effects on the decomposition of plant residues.We established forest soil+forest litter(F+L)and forest soil+agricultural straw(F+S)treatments in temperate forest ecosystem,which were also transferred to agricultural ecosystem.Agricultural soil+agricultural straw(A+S)and agricultural soil+forest litter(A+L)were established in agricultural ecosystem,which were also transferred to forest ecosystem.We measured plant residue mass loss,TC,TN,mid-infrared spectra and soil factors after one year decomposition.Our results showed that replacement of A+S into forest habitat stimulated mass loss by 20.0%,increased C/N and TC,but decreased r_(H1635 cm^(-1))/r_(H2920 cm^(-1)).Moving A+L replacement into forest habitat had no significant effect on mass loss,C/N,and r_(H1635 cm^(-1))/r_(H2920 cm^(-1)).Replacement of F+S into agricultural habitat resulted in a 34.3%reduction in mass loss,decreased C/N,TC,and TN,but increased r_(H1635 cm^(-1))/r_(H2920 cm^(-1)).Replacement of F+L into agricultural habitat reduced mass loss by 14.1%,but did not affect C/N and r_(H1635 cm^(-1))/r_(H2920 cm^(-1)).These results indicated that the replacement of agricultural soil into forest habitat improved the decomposition of the recalcitrant components of high-quality straw and enhanced the release of carbon and nutrients.While the replacement of forest soil into agricultural habitat reduces soil moisture and DOC,inhibiting the decomposition of straw and litter,slowing the release of carbon and nutrients from plant residues,high chemical stability of the remaining straw is not conducive to the input of carbon and nutrients into soil in the later stages of decomposition.Our study can provide the basis theory for nutrient management and sustainable management in agricultural and forest soils.
作者 袁慧兰 郑甜甜 林佳敏 鲍雪莲 闵凯凯 朱雪峰 解宏图 梁超 YUAN Huilan;ZHENG Tiantian;LIN Jiamin;BAO Xuelian;MIN Kaikai;ZHU Xuefeng;XIE Hongtu;LIANG Chao(Institute of Applied Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Liaoning University,Shenyang 110036,China)
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1017-1024,共8页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31930070和42107324) 王宽诚率先人才计划卢嘉锡国际团队(GJTD-2019-10) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2021M703396) 沈阳市科技计划项目(22-317-2-06) 辽宁省博士科研启动基金计划项目(2022-BS-024)资助。
关键词 生境变化 中红外光谱 土壤理化因子 凋落物 秸秆 habitat change mid-infrared spectroscopy soil physicochemical factors litter straw
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