

Relationships between tunneling parameters of TBM and rock chip characteristics based on image analysis
摘要 岩碴图像分析是隧道掘进机(tunnelboringmechine,TBM)智能掘进中实时破岩效率评价和掘进参数优化的重要手段。为了研究掘进参数与岩碴图像特征的关系,依托青岛地铁6号线创石区间TBM施工段,在一段较完整花岗岩地层中开展了分步推力掘进试验,并通过搭载的岩碴图像分析系统对岩碴图像进行采集和分析。结果表明,岩碴图像的中位粒径d50、最大粒径dmax和粗糙度指数CI与推力、扭矩和贯入度之间均表现出正相关,与现场贯入指数FPI和工程比能SE之间均呈现出良好的负相关。当推力超过破岩临界值后,推力的提升将显著提高岩碴的d50和CI,而只有当推力进一步增大到一定水平后dmax才显著增大。此外,随着推力的提升,大岩片的二维形状逐渐呈现出长条形,其平均长短轴比也将增加,但是推力超过一定水平后,大岩片长短轴将保持不变。上述研究结果表明,岩碴粒径和形状参数均反映出破岩效率,可作为实时TBM掘进参数优化的评价指标。 Image analysis of rock chips is an important approach for TBM intelligent tunneling,and it can be used for real-time evaluation of rock-breaking efficiency and optimization of tunneling parameters.In order to investigate the relationships between TBM tunneling parameters and rock chip characteristics,a multi-step field tunneling test was carried out in an intact granite formation at a TBM construction section of Qingdao Metro Line 6.A rock chip image acquisition system was installed on the TBM to real-time collect rock chip images.Then,the relationship between the tunneling parameters and the size and shape characteristics of rock chips obtained through image processing was analyzed.The results showed that the median particle size d50,maximum particle size dmax and roughness index CI all present a positive correlation with thrust,torque and penetration,while a good negative correlation with FPI and SE.When the thrust exceeds a critical value for rock-breaking,the increase in thrust will significantly increase d50 and CI,while dmax increases significantly only when the thrust exceeds a larger value.Besides,as the thrust increases,the shape of the large rock chips gradually becomes flattened and the aspect ratio increases.However,after the thrust reaches a certain level,the aspect ratio will remain stable.The results can provide a basis for real-time optimization of TBM tunneling parameters based on rock chip information.
作者 周小雄 肖禹航 龚秋明 刘晓丽 刘俊豪 刘东鑫 ZHOU Xiao-xiong;XIAO Yu-hang;GONG Qiu-ming;LIU Xiao-li;LIU Jun-hao;LIU Dong-xin(School of Civil Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong Unirersity,Chongqing 400074,China;State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;China Construction Infrastructure Corporation Ltd.,Beijing 100037,China;Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of Ministry of Education,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1142-1153,共12页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
基金 深地科学与工程云龙湖实验室项目(No.104023005)。
关键词 隧道掘进机 掘进试验 掘进参数 岩碴 掘进性能 tunnel boring machine(TBM) field tunneling test tunneling parameters rock chip tunneling performance
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