针对煤矿硬岩巷道掘进效率低、机械自动化水平低、作业环境差及劳动强度大等问题,同时为了降低工作面回采过程中的瓦斯浓度,选型EQS3000硬岩全断面盾构掘进设备建设高抽巷,结果表明该盾构机能够连续化掘进、支护及排矸作业,实现岩巷平均日进尺20.26 m,最高可达51 m,月进可达608 m,达到传统掘进效率的3~4倍,提高了煤矿巷道掘进安全作业环境,具有较高的机械化水平,真正实现了“机械化换人、自动化减人”。同时,采取岩巷掘进和矸石井下充填的新模式,为实现矿山绿色开采开辟了新思路。
For the coal mine hard rock tunneling low efficiency,low level of mechanical automation,poor operating environment and high labour intensity and other issues,and in order to reduce the working face back to mining process of gas concentration,the selection of EQS3000 hard rock full-section shield tunnelling equipment construction of high pumping alleys,the results show that the shield machine can be continuous tunnelling,support and gangue discharge operations to achieve the rocky average daily footage of 20.26 m,up to 51 m,up to 60 m.The shield machine can be used in the construction of the tunnel,the highest footage can be up to 60 m,the highest footage can be up to 60 m,and the highest footage can be up to 51 m.Up to 51 m,up to 608 m per month into the traditional digging efficiency of 3 to 4 times,improve the safety of coal mine roadway digging environment,with a high level of mechanisation,truly realised the"mechanisation for man,automation reduces man".At the same time,the new mode of rock tunneling and gangue underground filling opens up a new way of thinking for the realisation of green mining.
Cheng Jianbin(First Mine of Shanxi Huayang Group Xinneng Co.,Ltd.,Yangquan Shanxi 045008,China)
Mechanical Management and Development
rock tunneling
shield technology
gangue flling