
中药材泽泻的商品规格等级划分现状调查与分析 被引量:1

Status about Commodity Specifications and Grade Division of Chinese Medicinal Alisma Rhizoma
摘要 目的:综合调研中药材泽泻规格等级现状,为进一步修订其商品规格等级标准奠定扎实基础。方法:综合文献调查、实地走访和通讯问卷法等调查方法,分析泽泻药材商品规格等级划分的历史沿革、标准现状及在产地、市场中的实际应用状况与关键问题。结果:泽泻按基原及产地划分为“川泽泻”与“建泽泻”两大商品规格,但目前市场上的主流商品川泽泻的基原植物却一直未被现有泽泻药材商品规格等级标准正式收载,同时市场上的泽泻趁鲜切制药材商品长期处于“有商品、无标准”的现状;在等级划分方面,缺乏体现泽泻药效的内在质量指标;除建泽泻,其它产地泽泻在实际加工和交易时均未参照现有标准,等级划分标准极不统一。结论:泽泻商品规格等级标准已不符合“基于药典”“基于市场”的基本原则,对生产、市场的规范及指导作用有限,建议应重点针对市场主流商品川泽泻及趁鲜切制药材作标准修订,以真正引导我国泽泻药材“优质优价”体系的形成,以“高标准”促进泽泻高质量产业健康发展。 Objective:To comprehensively investigate the current situation of the specification grade of Alisma Rhizoma,and lay a solid foundation for further revision of its commodity specification and grade standard.Methods:Based on literature survey,field visit and communication questionnaire method,the historical evolution,current status of standards,practical application status and key issues in the production areas and markets were analyzed.Results:Alisma Rhizoma is divided into two commodity specifications include “Sichuan Alisma Rhizoma” and “Fujian Alisma Rhizoma” according to the base and origin.But the original plant of the mainstream commodity Sichuan Alisma Rhizoma on the market has not been officially accepted by the existing commodity specification and grade standards of Alisma Rhizoma,and Alisma Rhizoma Fresh Cut Pharmaceutical Material Commodities on the market have no product quality standard;In terms of grade,there is a lack of intrinsic quality indicators that reflect the efficacy of Alisma Rhizoma;Except for “Fujian Alisma Rhizoma”,other Alisma Rhizoma which producted from other areas do not refer to existing standards in actual processing and trading,and the grade standards are extremely inconsistent.Conclusion:The specification and grade standards of Alisma Rhizoma have limited role in regulating and guiding production and marketing because of it no longer meet the basic principles of “pharmacopoeia-based” and “market-based”.It is suggested that the standard revision of Alisma Rhizoma should focus on “Sichuan Alisma Rhizoma” and the fresh-cut pharmaceutical materials which are the mainstream commodities in the market now,so as to the standard can truly guide the formation of the “high-quality and high-price” system of Alisma Rhizoma in China,and promote the healthy development of Alisma Rhizoma high-quality industry with “high standards”.
作者 赵璐璐 林龙 先蕊 王艺娱 兰志琼 潘晓丽 李敏 Zhao Lulu;Lin Long;Xian Rui;Wang Yiyu;Lan Zhiqiong;Pan Xiaoli;Li Min(Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,College of Pharmacy,State Key Laboratory of Southwestern Chinese Medicine Resources,Key Laboratory of Standardization of Chinese Medicinal Materials,Ministry of Education,Chengdu,611137,China)
出处 《成都中医药大学学报》 2024年第2期75-80,共6页 Journal of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(国中医药人函[2019]41号) 四川省药品监督管理局中药(民族药)标准提升项目(510201202102305)。
关键词 泽泻 商品规格等级 趁鲜切制 标准 调查 Alisma Rhizoma Product specification level Fresh-cut Standard Investigation
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