自1985年10月至1986年6月定期从太晤士河Datchet监测站采集藻类标本和水样,各得样品32号。经鉴定有蓝藻门、隐藻门、金藻门、硅藻门、裸藻门和绿藻门的藻类共31个属。关于藻类的定量分析进行了藻类的计数、叶绿素含量的测定和水体中悬浮颗粒物的数量与体积的计算。在各种主要的生态因子中,藻类细胞总数与PH值、温度等成正相关;与各种化学因子,如CaCO_3、CO_2、PO_4-P、NO_3-N、SiO_2等成负相关。在藻类生长高峰期,PO_4-P 被消耗净,成为藻类生长的限制因素。此外,CO_2的含量也可能成为限制因素。
Algae and water Samples were taken regularly each week from River Thames at Datchet station during Oct. 1935 to June 1986. There exists 6 phyla and 31 genus of algae in the river according to our study. We also counted the number of algae, determined the content of chlorophyll and calculated the number and Volume of suspending granules in the water body. The study of several ecological factors shows that the total number of algae cell is in direct ratio with PH and temperature, and in inverse ratio with levels of CaCO3, CO2, PO4-P, NO3-N, SiO2, etc. The levels of PO4-P and CO2may be the major limiting factors on the growth of algae.
Research of Environmental Sciences