

Analysis of the application of ironing therapy in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties
摘要 先秦两汉时期是中医学发展的萌芽阶段,也是各种外治、内治法的起源时期。熨法作为外治法的一种,早在《五十二病方》中就有记载,而其在该时期尤其是出土文献方面未见专门研究。笔者通过对已公布的先秦两汉时期简帛医书和传世文献中熨法的相关记载进行整理,欲填补此方面空缺,主要从方药和主治方面进行分析,展现该时期熨法应用特点,给熨法文献研究和临床应用以启发。发现熨法在《五十二病方》《杂疗方》《六十病方》、里耶秦简、《神农本草经》《黄帝内经》《伤寒杂病论》中均有记载,说明其至少在战国时期已经形成。熨法药方便于取用、药味辛温、后世多为传颂,可应用于内、外、儿、五官科疾病的治疗,已初步显示出熨法治疗原则。同时其中原始疗法需审慎使用,更多简帛文献还有待出版和进一步研究. The pre-Qin and Han dynasties were the embryonic stage of the development of traditional Chinese medicine which is also the origin period of various external and internal treatments.As a kind of external treatment,ironing therapy has been recorded as early as in Prescriptions for Fifty-Two Diseases.However,it has not been specially studied in this period,especially in excavated literature,which is a pity.In order to show the application characteristics of ironing therapy in this period,this article collates and analyses the relevant records of ironing therapy mainly from prescription and indications in the published bamboo and silk medical books and handed down documents in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties.As a result,it can analyze the theoretical ideas and inspire the literature research and clinical application of ironing therapy.It was found that the ironing method was recorded in the Prescriptions for Fifiy-Two Diseases,Miscellaneous Treatment Prescriptions,Prescriptions for Sixty Diseases,Liye Qin Bamboo Slips,Shennong's Herbal Classic,Huangdi Neijing and Shanghan Zabing Lun,indicating that it had been formed at least during the Warring States period.People treated mainly with pungent and warm herbs which are easy to find and use.Many prescriptions are spread and applauded in later ages.This therapy can be applied to internal,external,pediatric and ENT disease,initially showing its treatment principle.Besides,some original medicament must be used cautiously.We expect that more bamboo and silk documents can be published and further studied.
作者 许铃 赵艳 林鹏妹 XU Ling;ZHAO Yan;LIN Pengmei(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China)
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期1452-1455,共4页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 北京中医药大学横向课题(No.BUCM-2020-JS-FW-062)。
关键词 先秦两汉 熨法 药方 理论 简帛 《黄帝内经》 《伤寒杂病论》 Pre-Qin and Han dynasties Ironing therapy Prescription Theory Bamboo and silk documents Huangdi Neijing Shanghan ZabingLun
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