2013年至2023年,是共建“一带一路”倡议提出的十年,也是越南留学生陈儒决(Tran Nho Quyet)千里求学和回国创业的十年。陈偶决是东北林业大学2013级信息与计算机工程学院硕士研究生、2018级经济管理学院博士研究生,毕业后回国成立了越南时代国际教育公司,致力于推广汉语学习,为越南学生赴华留学深造和“一带一路”建设贡献力量。
From2013to2023,thetenyearssincethe launch of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI),Chen Rujue,whose Vietnamese name is Tran Nho Quyet,made the remarkable transformation from a student who traveled thousands of miles to study in China into an entrepreneur in his own country.Chen started off in China as a master's student at the College of Information and Computer Engineering(class of 2013)and then pursued a doctoral degree at the College of Economics and Management(class of 2018)of Northeast Forestry University.