

On“Dushe”and「Dokuzetu」:A Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese Homographs
摘要 近年来,日源外来词和日源新词受到学界的普遍关注,相关研究成果不胜枚举,其中关于所谓回流词的论著颇多。然而,有这样的一类词并未引起人们的注意,即该词的词形和词义产生于古代汉语,但其使用频率并不高,在现代汉语中几近销声匿迹,而由于受到日语的影响,该词又被激活,重新在汉语中被使用,“毒舌”即其中一例。本文从汉日语言接触和汉日对比的角度,对辞书中“毒舌”和「毒舌」的收录情况进行考察,并以从语料库检索到的实例为线索对二者的使用情况进行对比分析。结果表明,现代汉语中的“毒舌”偶有用于本义的用例,大多数用例则表示派生义;而日语的「毒舌」所表示的意义与“毒舌”的派生义相差无几。“毒舌”与「毒舌」的主要差异在于词性,前者可以用于名词、形容词、动词,而后者只有名词的用法。 The study of Japanese loanwords and new words with Japanese origin has received widespread attention from the academic community in recent years.There have been a large number of research outputs,one of which is the so-called backflow words.However,one group of words have not gained much attention,namely,the words whose forms and meanings appeared in Archaic Chinese and nearly lost currency due to low frequency in Contemporary Chinese,but revived under the influence of the Japanese language,“dushe”is such a case.From the perspectives of Japanese-Chinese language contact and contrastive study,this paper launches a survey as to how“dushe”and its Japanese cognate“dokuzetu”are included in dictionaries,and then analyzes the uses on the basis of their instances in corpora.It is revealed that Chinese“dushe”is occasionally used in its original meaning and in most cases in its derived meaning,whereas Japanese“dokuzetu”has almost the same meaning as the derived meaning of“dushe”.Their major differences lie in the part of speech.“Dushe”has nominal,adjectival,and verbal uses but“dokuzetu”is only used as a noun.
作者 彭广陆 PENG Guanglu
出处 《东北亚外语研究》 2024年第1期73-95,共23页 Foreign Language Research in Northeast Asia
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金西部和边疆地区项目“日源新词多视角研究”(19XJA740006)的阶段性成果。
关键词 “毒舌” 「毒舌」 汉日对比 日源新词 回流词 new words with Japanese origin backflow words “dushe” 「dokuzetu」 Chinese-Japanese contrastive study
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