

Three Connotations of the Word “the Great Learning” in the Book of Rites
摘要 对“大学”一词的不同理解,是造成《大学》解释不同的原因之一。“大学”一词的含义应上溯到《礼记》。在《礼记》中,“大学”有三层含义:一是作为教学机构,与“小学”对举,是对接近成人的王公贵族和国中俊秀之士,围绕诗、书、礼、乐等内容,进行的崇善、黜恶教育;二是作为养老场所,主要是针对有德行的从政退休者,即国老而非庶老、乡老,天子以礼待之,向社会申明孝悌之义,达到国家教化的目的;三是与教学相关的义理内涵,此即“大学之道”“大学之教”“大学之法”“大学之礼”。《大学》篇则是专言“大学之道”。“大学”在《礼记》中的不同含义,既受《礼记》跨时代性的成书过程影响,又取决于作者以礼治重构社会秩序的需要。这些不同含义奠定了“大学”一词与《大学》文本解释的基调,而解释的纷争亦于此初见肇端。 The different understanding of the word“the great learning”is one of the reasons for the different interpretations of the Great Learning.The meaning of the word“the great learning”should be traced back to the Book of Rites.In the Book of Rites,“the great learning”had three meanings:first,as a teaching institution,it was compared to“elementary school”,and was an education aimed at promoting goodness and eliminating evil for adult-to-be princes and nobles and talented individuals in the country,focusing on poetry,books,rituals,music,and other contents;Second,as a place for elderly care,it was mainly aimed at the retired political officials with moral character,namely national elders rather than commoners or rural elders.The emperor treated them with courtesy and declared filial piety to the whole society,achieving the goal of national education;The third was the theoretical connotation related to teaching,which included“the way of the great learning”,“the teaching of the the great learning”,“the method of the the great learning”,and“the etiquette of the the great learning”.The chapter of“the great learning”was dedicated to“the way of the great learning”.The different meanings of“the great learning”in the Book of Rites were influenced by the cross generational process of its completion,as well as by the author’s need to reconstruct social order through the rule of etiquette.These different meanings laid the foundation for the interpretation of the term“the great learning”and the text of the Great Learning,and the dispute over interpretation also began at this point.
作者 申淑华 Shen Shuhua
出处 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期116-121,共6页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”哲学社会科学领军人才资助项目“程朱及后学‘学庸’文献整理与解释研究”(XLYC2004003)。
关键词 大学 《礼记》 教学机构 养老场所 义理内涵 the great learning the Book of Rites teaching institutions elderly care facilities semantic connotation
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