

A Study on the Official Titles of Emperor, Empress, OtherRoyal Females and Palace Female Officials in Song Dynasty
摘要 宋代官衔,是目前宋代制度史研究中新开拓的领域。从宋代帝后、内外命妇、宫人女官的官衔制度这一视角,可以看出宋代官制的复杂性、多样性。皇帝,通常不视为官,实际某种意义上,皇帝也是官,且居于官僚机构的顶端,所以皇帝也有官衔,只是名号比较特殊,显示其至高无上的地位。“皇帝”本身就是一个官号,其生前有尊号或圣号,死后有谥号、庙号。唐宋史称皇帝多用庙号,这就是法定官衔。皇后有官号,尊号有无,视其是否曾垂帘听政而定,死后谥号有二字、四字之别。内命妇,为皇帝姬妾名号之总称,其官衔有等级之分、秩品之差。外命妇官衔可分为公主官衔、卿大夫妻母官衔两类。内外命妇官衔亦特旨移用于宫人女官官衔。皇后、内外命妇、宫人女官的官衔,与文武百官相类,其名号等级分明,官衔成为其特殊身份的标志。 Official titles are a newly developed field in the study of the institutional history of Song dynasty.The complexity and diversity of the official system of Song dynasty can be seen from the perspective of the official title system of empress,internal and external royal female,and female official in the palace.The emperor in general is not regarded as an official,actually,the emperor is an official,but sits at the top of the bureaucracy,so the emperor also has an official title,a special title indicating his supreme position.“Emperor”itself is an official title,its life has a title or sacred title,after death,posthumous title,temple name.Tang and Song dynasties said that the emperor used the temple name,which is the official title.The queen has an official title,honorific title or not,depending on whether it has been behind the curtain to listen to the government,after death posthumous title has difference of two and four words.The internal official women is the general name of the emperor concubine,and its official title is divided into grades and ranks.The official titles of external women can be divided into two categories:princess official titles and doctorial wife official titles.The internal and external women ranked by emperor also refer to the title of female official in the palace.The official titles of the empress and the internal and external women as well as the female official in the palace are similar to civil and military officials,and their names are clearly graded,and the official titles become the signs of their special identities.
作者 龚延明 殷其雷 Gong Yanming;Yin Qilei
出处 《中原文化研究》 2024年第2期75-84,共10页 The Central Plains Culture Research
关键词 宋代官衔 帝后 内外命妇 宫人女官 official titles in Song dynasty the queen of an emperor internal and external official women female official in the palace
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