B超引导多弹头自动控制射频疗法部分切除肝癌是我院开展的一项新技术。临床观察发现 ,接受本治疗的病人存在情绪紧张、焦虑、恐惧等心理 ,主要与病人均为首次接受治疗 ,知识缺乏 ,对治疗过程、治疗反应、治疗效果不了解等有直接的关系。通过健康教育可减轻病人以上不良心理反应 ,保持心情愉快接受治疗。健康教育的内容应包括 :本治疗的方法及原理介绍、术中的体位要求、术中可能出现的不适与应对、术后注意要点、术后肝区疼痛与发热的处理、饮食指导。
It is a new therapeutic technique to hepatocarcinoma patients in our hospital with radiofrequency. Clinical observation showed that the patients with this treatment had some psychological problems such as nervousness, anxiety and dread, which was related to the acceptance of this treatment on first time and absence of the knowledge of the procedure, the effect and the by effect. With health education, the above psychological problems could be alleviated. So patients could accept RF pleasantly. The contents of health education include as followed: introduction of the methods and principals of RF, the body position and the discomfort during treatment, the attention after treatment, the management of the pain and fever, diet guidance and the periodical recheck.
Modern Nursing