

Three Issues about the Ritual of Expressing Thanks to Kings in the Zhou Dynasty
摘要 周代拜赐礼仪包含受赐者的施拜情况和施拜后的相应礼节等,是君臣关系和尊卑意识在礼仪领域中的重要反映。西周赏赐铭文记载了一些看似有别于“拜稽首”的“变例”。实际上,“拜手页手”“拜手稽手”及单言“稽首”,皆与“拜稽首”同实异名,而“拜手”主要用于受赐者答谢“右者”。关于受赐者行拜礼之后的“受令册佩以出”,“佩”当视作名词,指代命服。铭文载妇人拜谢天后行稽首礼,而《礼记·少仪》记妇人遇君赐当肃拜。由于妇人发饰繁重而难以叩头至地,故无稽首之拜,仅有用于吉事的“扱地”(拜手至地)重拜。铭文盖套用男子拜赐礼用语而作模糊处理,《少仪》所载盖为晚周礼家之说,皆与西周妇人拜礼实情不符。 The ritual of expressing thanks in the Zhou Dynasty includes the practice of expressing thanks and the rites thereafter conducted by the recipient,which was an important reflection of the development of the relationship between kings and ministers,and the sense of superiority and inferiority in terms of etiquette.The reward-granting bronze inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty recorded some variations of"bai qi shou".Actually,"bai shou ye shou","bai shou qi shou"and"qi shou"were the same as"bai qi shou"in essence,and"bai shou"was used for the recipient to thank the"you zhe".After expressing thanks,the recipient must perform a ritual called"shou ce ling pei yi chu",and"pei"was a noun referring to the official uniform.The inscription stated that women should perform the"qi shou"ritual to thank the reward of the queen,while Shao Yi of The Book of Rites recorded that women were supposed to perform"su bai"in the same situation.Women could not kowtow to the ground because of heavy hair and ornaments,so they did not need to perform the"qi shou"ritual.But they had to do the"qi di"ritual,which was used for blessed events.The inscription might have used the words describing men's ritual and caused some blurring effect,and Shao Yi might refer to rituals in the late Zhou Dynasty.So they neither conformed to the actual thanks-expressing ceremony performed by women of the Western Zhou Dynasty.
作者 于少飞 马金亮 Yu Shaofei;Ma Jinliang(College of Chinese Language and Literature,Ludong University,Yantai 264025,China;School of International Education,Ludong University,Yantai 264025,China)
出处 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2024年第2期24-34,共11页 Eastern Forum(JOURNAL OF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“三国经学佚籍整理与研究”(23YJC720011)的阶段性成果。
关键词 周代 拜赐 拜稽首 佩以出 妇人拜赐 Zhou Dynasty expressing thanks for rewards received bai qi shou pei yi chu expressing thanks by women after receiving rewards
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