

Folk Customs of Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China in Jingyetang Shiji
摘要 汉唐以来,边地文人多活跃于玉门关外的西北,而少踏入西南。及至清代,广阔的西南大地依然是一个特异的地理文化空间,有无数新奇的自然景观和文化生态等待人们去发现、去书写。康熙十八年(1679)夏,“三藩之乱”尚未平息,浙西诗人查慎行于而立之年,入贵州巡抚杨雍建戎幕,至二十一年(1682)五月方才辞幕归乡。其间,他以鲜明自觉的“问俗”意识为指引,以仁民爱物之心为基点,结合特定的时代和时势,对西南少数民族独特的居住与生产、服饰与饮食、节日与婚庆等民俗事象作了全面细致的观照。以此为基础书写的篇章,不仅在诗歌领域开疆拓土、标新立异,同时也为世人呈现了一幅幅广阔的西南少数民族民俗画卷,具有无法漠视的文学意义及文化价值。 Since the Han and Tang Dynasties,borderland literati were mostly active in the northwest outside Yumenguan but rarely set foot in the southwest.Until the Qing Dynasty,the vast southwest China was still a unique geographical and cultural space,with countless novel natural landscapes and cultural ecology waiting to be discovered and written about.In the summer of the 18th year of the Reign of Emperor Kangxi(1679),the “Revolt of the Three Feudatories” had not yet subsided.Zha Shenxing,a poet from west Zhejiang,joined the army of Yang Yongjian,governor of Guizhou province,at the age of 30.He resigned and returned to his hometown in May of the 21st year of the Reign of Emperor Kangxi(1682).During this period,guided by a clear consciousness of “inquiry into customs” and the love of the people,he made a comprehensive and meticulous observation of the unique residence and production,costume and diet,and festivals and wedding celebrations of the ethnic minorities in southwest China in combination with the specific times and situation.Poems written on this basis not only opened up new territories and created something unconventional in the field of poetry but also presented a broad picture of the folk customs of ethnic minorities in southwest China to the outside world,which is of literary significance and cultural value that can not be ignored.
作者 曹诣珍 Cao Yizhen(School of Humanities&Communication,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310018)
出处 《嘉兴学院学报》 2024年第2期11-19,共9页 Journal of Jiaxing University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(20BZW064) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金(18YJA751002)。
关键词 查慎行 《敬业堂诗集》 西南少数民族 民俗事象 Zha Shenxing Jingyetang Shiji ethnic minorities in southwest China folk customs
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