

Engaging with China:Nehru's Use of the Five Principles of Co-Existence Under Suspicious of China,1950-1954
摘要 随着新中国成立和人民解放军入藏,印度尼赫鲁政府因忧虑其在西藏的特权受到削弱及中国力量迫近印度而对华产生了疑惧心理,决定通过“接触战略”实现对华战略目标。在涉藏问题上,尼赫鲁政府于1950年决定有条件放弃印度在藏特权但坚持印度的边界主张。1954年,尼赫鲁政府主动要求将中方提出的“五项原则”载入《西藏协定》,意图借此作为中国对印度单方面认定边界事实默认的铺垫,从而在和平接触中国中实现其边界主张。为最大程度地发挥“五项原则”中对印有利的因素,印度积极在远东国际政治舞台上推广“五项原则”,追求和缅甸共同构建起“和平约束”中国的联合战线。虽然尼赫鲁政府在对华接触下利用“五项原则”从短期来看取得一定成效,但以表面交好替代不断加强对抗的背后隐含着对华军事防备和挑战。1962年爆发的中印边境战争标志着尼赫鲁政府利用“五项原则”策略的失败,其对华接触外交自此进行了重大调整。 With the establishment of the People's Republic of China and the entry of the People's Liberation Army into Tibet,the Nehru government of India,fearing that its privileges in Tibet would be weakened and that Chinese power was approaching India,was suspicious of China and decided to achieve its strategic goals towards China through the“engagement strategy”.On Tibet,the Nehru government decided in 1950 to conditionally give up India's privileges in Tibet but insisted on India's border claims.In 1954,the Nehru government took the initiative to include the Five Principles of Co-existence proposed by China in the Tibetan negotiations,with the intention of using this as a pave for China's acquiescence to India's unilateral determination of the border fact,so as to realize its border claims in peaceful contact with China.In order to maximize the favorable factors in the“Five Principles”for India,India actively promotes the“Five Principles”on the international political stage in the Far East,and pursues to build a joint front with Myanmar to“peacefully restrain”China.Although the Nehru government made some achievements in the short term by using the“Five Principles”in its contact with China,the superficial friendship instead of the continuous strengthening of confrontation implied military preparedness and challenge to China.The outbreak of the Sino-Indian border war in 1962 marked the failure of the Nehru government's use of the“five principles”strategy,and its diplomatic engagement with China has since undergone a major adjustment.
作者 刘欣 LIU Xin(East China Normal University)
出处 《边界与海洋研究》 CSSCI 2024年第1期95-109,共15页 Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies
关键词 和平共处五项原则 对华接触 中印关系 尼赫鲁 Five Principles of Co-existence engagement with China Sino-Indian relations Nehru
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