

On the Concepts of“Voice”and“Breath”in theWei, Jin and North-South Dynasties
摘要 魏晋南北朝的“声气”是以先秦以来的声、气概念为基础的,从逻辑起源的角度看,气决定声,如和气、韵气等观念,在声反作用气上有相生相应、类型相生、成气等观念。从声之气外化为言与形看,言是汉字的言与“口出为言”等汉语的声音系统;在“声”与“言”“形”关系上,魏晋南北朝以“声”为中心产生了“缘情绮靡”“托声于言”“因形创声”“乐以颂形”等概念或观念。从声之气内化为情志意看,“诗言志”“诗缘情”是诗歌声音的诉求;魏晋南北朝的“声”蕴含了声律、韵律等意义,在论情、志、意时都视“气”为动力;从文献梳理看,魏晋南北朝的音乐与文学中的情、志、意等范畴与“声”都有较亲缘的关系。 The concepts of“voice”and“breath”in the Wei Dynasty,the Jin Dynasty and the North-South Dynasties,or from the early 3rd century to late 6th century to be exact,came from their counterparts used prior to the Qin Dynasty(221 B.C-207 B.C.).Viewed from the perspective of origin of logic,breath determines voice,thus the concepts of different types of breath.In return,voice counter-affects breath to induce mutual-generation,interaction,generation of breath and other phenomena between the two concepts.Exteriorly,voice and breath take the form of word and character respectively.The former refers to words in the Chinese language that form the voice system characterized by the process of“utterance from the mouth becoming words.”In light of the relation of voice to word and character,other concepts and ideas generated centering around voice,such as“poetry should be works of beauty in terms of both emotions and words,”“voice resides with words,”“voice is created to suit words”and“voice serves to beautify words.”Viewed from the perspective of the interior change of voice and breath into emotions,intentions and ideas,the theories that“poetry expresses ideas”and“poems should be sentimental”are all requirements for voice of poems.As a matter of fact,the idea“voice”in these dynasties also contain the rhythm rules,as emotions,intentions and ideas are all regarded to be powered by breath.Viewed from organized research literature,categories such as“emotions,”“intentions”and“ideas”in both music and literature during these historical periods aforesaid are all in close affinity with the concept of“voice.”
作者 李国新 曹雨琪 LI Guoxin;CAO Yuqi(School of Humanities and Law,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming,Yunnan Province 650224)
出处 《楚雄师范学院学报》 2024年第1期89-96,共8页 Journal of Chuxiong Normal University
基金 国家社科基金西部项目“魏晋南北朝诗声理论研究”(19XZW001)。
关键词 声气 言与形 情志意 魏晋南北朝 voice breath words character emotion intention idea Wei Dynasty Jin Dynasty North-South Dynasties
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