

Transformation of Economic Thought Under Historical Changes: Centered on the Evolution of WealthConcepts in Modern China
摘要 对财富问题的认识是反映各时代经济思想变革的核心线索。纵观中国几千年来的财富观念发展史,以近代时期的财富观念变革最为深刻。这种变革打破了传统财富观念的支配地位,融汇并生发出新的财富理念,由此奠定了开启中国式现代化的思想基石。近代中国财富观念变革包括循序渐进的四个层次:财富观念摆脱了道德伦理束缚,认可个体财富追求,突破财富来源于农业的认识局限,财富量化分析技术的运用开始普及。其中,道德伦理色彩消退是近代财富观念变革的前提,认可个体财富追求、突破财富来源于农业的认识局限是传统财富观念革新的具体表现,量化分析技术的运用是财富认识方法领域的重要发展。近代中国财富观念的演进对于当今财富观的构建具有重要启示。 The perception of wealth issues is a core indicator reflecting the transformation of economic thoughtin any era. Throughout the history of the development of wealth concepts in China over the past severalthousand years, the most profound changes occurred during the modern period. This change disrupted thetraditional wealth concept’s dominant position, integrated and gave rise to new wealth ideas, and thereby laidthe ideological foundation for the start of Chinese-style modernization. The transformation of wealth conceptsin modern China involved four gradual levels: the wealth concept’s detachment from moral and ethicalconstraints, the recognition of individuals pursuing wealth, breakthroughs in the limitations of viewing wealthas originating from agriculture, and the widespread application of quantitative analysis techniques. Amongthem, the fading of moral and ethical influence was the premise for the transformation of modern wealthconcepts. The recognition of individuals pursuing wealth and breaking through the limitations of viewingwealth as originating from agriculture were concrete manifestations of updating traditional wealth concepts. The application of quantitative analysis techniques represented an important development in the field ofwealth perception methods. The evolution of wealth concepts in modern China provides important insights forconstructing current wealth concepts.
作者 缪德刚 魏众 Miao Degang;Wei Zhong
出处 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第12期116-126,194,195,共13页 Exploration and Free Views
基金 国家社科基金中国历史研究院重大历史问题研究专项重大招标项目“中国社会科学院经济研究所藏清代财政类钞档的整理与研究”(22VLS009)。
关键词 近代财富观念 伦理色彩 财富来源 量化分析 中华传统文化 modern wealth concepts ethical influence sources of wealth quantitative analysis Chinese traditional culture
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