

The Development History and the Content of Laos The Development History and the Content of Laos’Social Security System Social Security System And Coping Strategies for Chinese Employees
摘要 老挝社会保障法律法规的制定从最初的部级规章,上升至总理府颁布的政令,再上升至体现国家意志的法律,反映老挝国家对社会保障的重视。老挝社会保障的对象,起初仅仅是包括国家工作人员,随后扩展至企业职工,最后将农民、灵活就业者及非正规就业者通过自愿参保方式吸收进来,但3个群体缴纳的社保费比例不同,享受的社会保障待遇有一定的差别。老挝社会保障项目主要涵盖健康保障补助、工伤或职业病补助、生育补助、疾病补助、丧失劳动能力补助、养老补助、死亡补助、遗属补助和失业补助等9项,其中,工伤或职业病补助、死亡补助、疾病补助和遗属补助具有项目类别上的创新性。老挝社会保障制度具有典型的家庭式保障特点,即一人参保,部分社会保障待遇可以为整个家庭的成员所享受。该特点说明老挝将传统的重视家庭的价值观融入社会保障制度之中。此外,老挝不排斥外国劳动者参保和享受社会保障待遇,在老挝长期工作的中国等外籍员工除外交人员外,都应当在老挝参保,参照老挝企业职工缴纳同等比例的社保费用,并享受同等社会保障待遇。然而,由于老挝经济发展水平不高,中国籍员工的保障待遇仍需要通过增加商业保险或在中国境内参保等方式予以多重叠加保障。 The formulation of social security laws and regulations in Laos has risen from the initial ministerial regulations to the decrees issued by the Prime Minister's Office,and then to the laws embodying the will of the country,reflecting the importance that the Lao country attaches to social security.The targets of social security in Laosare firstly civil servants,then expanded to enterprise employees,and finally farmers,flexible workers and other informal workers are included through voluntary insurance.Each group pays different proportions of social insurance premiums and enjoys certain differences in social security benefits.The content of social security in Laos includes nine aspects:health care,employment injuries and occupational diseases,maternity,sickness,invalidity,retirement,death,survivors and unemployment,among which,employment injury and occupational diseases benefit,funeral grant,sickness benefit,and survivor's benefit are innovative categories.The feature of the Lao social security system is family-style security,i.e.,one person is insured,and part of the social security benefits can be enjoyed by the entire family.This feature shows that Laos has integrated traditional family values into the social security system.Laos does not exclude foreign workers from participating in insurance and enjoying social security benefits.Chinese and other foreign employees working in Laos for a long time,except diplomatic personnel,are required to participate in insurance in Laos,pay the same proportion of social insurance as employees of Lao enterprises,and enjoy social security benefits equally.Social security in Laos is relatively complete,but due to the gap in economic development,the actual social security benefits in Laos are far different from those in China,and the protection for Chinese employees is relatively weak.In order to protect the interests of Chinese employees,it is necessary to add multiple protections such as commercial insurance and insurance in China.
作者 刘鑫 Liu Xin(THT Law Firm Vientiane Office,Vientiane,999012,Laos)
出处 《东南亚纵横》 2024年第1期77-91,共15页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 老挝 社会保障 法律 家庭 中国籍员工 Laos social security law family Chinese employees
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